Page 22 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 22

which use highly concentrated radio
        HIGH-POWER MICROWAVES energy to damage their targets’
                                                                               electronics, are among the options
        FOR LAYERED AIR DEFENCES that Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a
                                                                               Raytheon Technologies business, is
                                            off-the-shelf  drones  modified  into   partnering with the U.S. Department
                                            cheap weapons.
                                                                               of Defence to explore as part of a
                                                                               layered approach to air defence.
                                            Raytheon  Missiles  &  Defence  has
                                            been focussing on one single emerg-
                                            ing technology – the high-power    High-power microwaves are much
                                            microwave – that could play a huge   faster than hypersonic weapons, as
                                            role in defending against both.    the former travels at the speed of
                                                                               light – 300 million meters per second   [ SINGAPORE AIRSHOW  SHOW PREVIEW ]
                                            “OUR ADVERSARIES                   as compared to hypersonic weapons
                                            ARE COMING UP WITH                 which travel at more than five times
                                            INCREASINGLY SOPHISTICATED         the speed of sound – 343 meters per
        Hypersonic missiles and Unmanned    AND INNOVATIVE WAYS TO             second or higher.
        Aerial  Vehicles  (UAV)  present  a
        contrasting and highly complex      ATTACK US,” said Colin Whelan,     The advantage with high-power
        technological air defence problem   Vice President of Advanced         microwaves and other directed
        and both are prohibitively expensive   Technology for Raytheon Missiles   energy weapons is that, once they’re
                                            & Defense. “WE NEED LOWER
        to defeat. While a hypersonic missile                                  built, they’re inexpensive to fire – and
        travels at more than five times the   COST SOLUTIONS TO COUNTER        their ammunition is limited only by
        speed of sound and can strike tar-  THEM.”                             the availability of power. That makes
        gets at great distances, UAV’s being                                   them well-suited to take on drones
        used by non-state actors are usually  High-power microwave systems,  that attack by the dozen.



         The Republic of Singapore Air Force’s  are raised, trained, planned and  responsibilities and air defence oper-
         (RSAF) Participation Command (PC),  deployed together in support of  ations, as well as augment the SAF's
         which came into being in 2008 has  Singapore’s land and sea campaigns.  Counter-Terrorism and Humanitarian
         played a key role in strengthening the  The Command is responsible for  Assistance and Disaster Relief oper-
         island nation’s air-land-sea integra-  the training and development of  ations.
         tion and enhancing its helicopter and  the RSAF's helicopter fleet, provid-
         Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD)  ing GBAD for land operations, and  Since PC's inauguration in 2008,
         capabilities.                      ensuring integration between the  the RSAF's helicopters and GBAD
         The RSAF PC works closely with  Singapore Armed Force’s (SAF) Air,  systems have also participated in
         the Singapore Army and Republic  Land and Sea forces. This is ensured  large-scale integrated exercises such
         of Singapore Navy (RSN) to deliver  by the PC maintaining  a high level  as Exercise Wallaby, and in homeland
         effective air power to shape ground  of operational readiness at all times  security exercises such as Exercise
         and maritime operations. Its assets  to support round-the-clock SAR  Highcrest.

        22 | January/February 2022                                                 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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