Page 28 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 28

made it harder to detect and to counter by its
                                                                       targets, the first prototype of this radar has
                                                                       been put on several tests by both the Indonesian
                                                                       Ministry of Defense and Kohanudnas between
                                                                       mid-2020 to early-2021. While the results of   [ REPORT ]
                                                                       the tests have shown that the detection range
                                                                       of the first prototype was still limited to about
                                                                       70 km, plans have been made to improve its
                                                                       maximum detection range further. Currently,
                                                                       there’s still no further publicly available informa-
                                                                       tion about this project although it was rumored
                                                                       that depending on the results of the improve-
                                                                       ments, the system may be put on production
                                                                       within the next few years.
        Sea/Surveillance Radar) in 2009. The radar has attracted attention   In the same year when the first prototype of
        from Indonesian maritime authorities as well as the Indonesian   a mobile passive radar system above was
        Navy (TNI-AL) partly due to its ability to be mounted on trucks to   revealed,  PT  Len  Industri,  the  Indonesian
        become a mobile radar system.                                  state-owned enterprise in electronics R&D,
                                                                       also introduced its S-200 air defence radar
        With a somewhat modest maximum detection range of 64 km, both   with a 200 km maximum detection range. While
        static and mobile ISRa versions were designed as a coastal radar   still limited to 2D radar technology (range and
        system to provide a medium-range maritime monitoring capability   bearing), it’s worth noting that PT Len also
        at some of the busiest Indonesian sea lanes. Unfortunately, due to   has collaboration agreements with several
        some secrecy, while it has been reported that the radar has entered   European defence companies for joint devel-
        production as early as 2012, as well as a further improvement to   opment and production of 3D radars which will
        its antenna carried out by LIPI in 2016, the Sunda strait is the only   also be helpful to improve its own design.
        known location that is being monitored by the ISRa system until
        now.                                                           It’s likely that the result of its collaboration with
                                                                       these European companies has enabled PT
        Growing in Confidence                                          Len Industri to start developing its own Ground
        PT LAPI ITB and the Research and Development Agency of the     Control Intercept (GCI) radar with a 450 km max-
        Indonesian Ministry of Defense (Balitbang Kemhan), joined hands   imum detection range. This project - which also
        in 2017 to research and develop a mobile passive radar system for   involves several other Indonesian private and
        the Indonesian National Air Defense Command (Kohanudnas) and   state-owned defense companies - is expected
        the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU). The result of their collaboration   to be revealed publicly in 2024. Moving forward,
        was revealed in the Indo Defence Expo in 2018 with the introduction   PT Len Industri has also announced last July
        of their first mobile passive radar prototype.                 that the company has been appointed by the
                                                                       Indonesian government as the lead integrator
        With a main advantage of not having to transmit radar signals which   for all related Indonesian defense companies
                                                                       into a “National Radar Industry & Innovation
                                                                       Center”. This move was intended to coordinate
                                                                       all domestic radar research, development and
                                                                       production efforts under one roof in the future.

                                                                       Not to be left out, the Indonesian Army (TNI-
                                                                       AD) has also introduced its own mobile
                                                                       Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) system this
                                                                       month.  Developed  by  the  TNI-AD’s  Field
                                                                       Artillery Branch Centre (PussenArmed) and PT
                                                                       Eletroteknika Utama ITB (PT EU ITB), the radar
                                                                       is designed to locate the location of enemy
                                                                       artillery and mortar fire with a 20 km maxi-
                                                                       mum detection range. The Indonesian Army is
                                                                       likely to equip all of its artillery battalions with
                                                                       this radar although further details regarding
                                                                       its full capability, planned improvements and
                                                                       projected quantity to be produced are still cur-
                                                                       rently unknown.

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