Page 19 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 19

all provided by Raytheon Missiles & Defence.   missions, Raytheon Technologies is promoting smart defence sys-

        Display provides an unprecedented amount of  will require the next-generation sensing and effects capabilities;
        flight, tactical and sensor information on the  command, control and communications systems to bolster its ability
        visors of F-35 pilots enhancing their situational  to defend against surface, airborne and space domain challenges.
        awareness. The helmet will bring in data from an  “When you think about the regionally connected battlespace and
        RI&S-built electro-optical distributed aperture  the kind of work are we doing connecting everything, we offer
        system, known as EODAS, which collects and  very unique solutions to all the regional players around here and
        sends real-time, high-resolution imagery from  in partnership with others as well. So we look at this area as a
        infrared sensors around the aircraft. Collins  tremendous opportunity,” Shockey added.
        and RI&S also developed the Joint Precision
        Approach and Landing System (JPALS), which   In Growth Mode
        guides aircraft onto carriers and amphibious   Raytheon Technologies also observes opportunities from fighter
        assault ships in all weather and surface con-  campaigns in India, where U.S. built aircraft such as the F/A-18
        ditions.                                     Super Hornet, F-21 (India specific derivative of the F-16) and F-15EX
                                                     are on offer and feature significant amounts of content provided by
        The F-35 programme for Singapore will be a   the company. “We have our content on pretty much every platform
        major driver for Raytheon Technologies’ as   that's moving through the procurement process and I view us as a
        in addition to the platform itself, there will be   good partner for those going after those campaigns,” Shockey said.
        requirements for continued upgrades, sustain-  Raytheon Technologies’ defensive systems such as the National
        ment and weapons Shockey said. In Singapore   Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) and Patriot
        the company is seeking to further expand its   missile systems are also in service in the Middle East with nations in
        defence presence, “We have a good balance    the region under immense pressure to upgrade their ground-based
        across the portfolios, though it is a little heavier   air defences, to guard against an increasing amount of incoming
        skewed on the commercial side, but we view   drone attacks. “We do a lot of work in the Middle East and have an
        Collins’  next-generation  Helmet  Mounted  tems such as ISR aircraft and its SeaVue maritime radar. Singapore  [ INTERVIEW  RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES ]
        lots of great opportunities here and we also   enduring customer base there. We have a lot of stakes in this region
        have a very conducive environment for growth   and some long-term relationships in the region. We are very glad
        here,” he added.                             that they look to Raytheon Technologies as one of their security
                                                     providers,” Shockey said.
        On the commercial side, Singapore’s Economic
        Development Board (EDB) and the Government   Shockey said that Raytheon Technologies was supported through
        has fostered a lot of innovation in the aftermar-  the pandemic by military requirements, “We were able to provide
        ket side in advanced manufacturing, Shockey   steady support to warfighters, both domestically and around the
        added. Collins Aerospace has an innovation   world, being part of the defence industrial base in the United States,
        hub that's based in Singapore and created in   where we were allowed to have our factories open, and operate
        partnership with the Singapore government,   safely for our workforce during COVID.”
        where work is being done on additive manu-
        facturing, robotics, Big Data.

        New Capabilities
        Raytheon Intelligence & Space, which is
        another Raytheon Technologies business, is
        offering  airborne  Intelligence,  Surveillance
        and Reconnaissance (ISR) and air dominance
        solutions to U.S. allies and partners in support
        of their national security priorities. According
        to Shockey, Singapore is the gateway to the
        dynamic Southeast Asia region, “We are work-
        ing with regional partners and allies to bolster
        their reconnaissance, intelligence and commu-
        nications capabilities so they can stay ahead
        of threats.”

        With its defence procurement systems pri-
        oritising the acquisition of advanced military
        equipment, which provide enhanced situational
        awareness to manage and deter a range of
        threats rapidly in a wide variety of challenging

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                   March 2022 | 19
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