Page 18 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 18

offerings to meet the nation’s strategic defence

                                                                       Raytheon Technologies presence in Singapore
                                                                       and the surrounding region, Asian Defence
                                                                       Technology was afforded an exclusive inter-
                                                                       action with Jeff Shockey, Senior Vice President,
                                                                       Global Government Relations at Raytheon
                                                                       Technologies on the sidelines of the recently
                                                                       concluded Singapore Airshow.

                                                                       Capability Driver
                                                                       The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)
                                                                       is the only air arm in SE Asia to have ordered
                                                                       the F-35 5th gen fighter jet and deliveries are
                                                                       to start in 2026. Singapore opted for the F-35B
                                                                       as its next generation fighter jet in 2019 but
                                                                       had been a participant in the F-35 programme
                                                                       as early as 2003, as a ‘Security Cooperation
                                                                       Participant’. Singapore has received U.S.
                                                                       approval for purchase of up to 12 F-35B Short
                                                                       Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft
                                                                       and related equipment at an estimated cost
                                                                       of US$2.75 billion. The RSAF also operates
        Powering                                                       approximately 60 F-16C/D Block 52 and F-16D
                                                                       needs. To gain a deeper understanding of  [ INTERVIEW  RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES ]
                                                                       Block 52+ and 24 F-15SG fighters and all these
                                                                       aircraft feature significant contributions from
                                                                       Raytheon Technologies.

                                                                       Singapore is keen to be at the cutting edge
        Ahead                                                          and in the forefront of technological devel-
                                                                       opment and R&D, in addition to being a good
                                                                       regional security partner, it is making invest-
                                                                       ments towards these objectives, Shockey said,
                                                                       “They are going to be an F-35 partner country.
                                                                       We're proud of that as the provider for the F-135
                                                                       engine, as well as a lot of the other systems and
         SINGAPORE’S INSISTENCE ON ACQUIRING                           weapons systems on the platform.”
         FRIENDLY POLICIES HAVE DRIVEN RAYTHEON                        Pratt & Whitney’s F135 engine delivers more
                                                                       than 40,000 pounds of thrust on the F-35,
         TECHNOLOGIES' GROWTH IN THE ISLAND                            providing a step change in capability over
         NATION                                                        older fourth-generation engines, along with a
                                                                       low-observable signature, cutting-edge thermal
                                                                       management and an advanced engine control
           Atul Chandra                                                system. The F-135 engine is said to be practi-
                                                                       cally invisible to radar due its unique geometry
        Raytheon Technologies is looking to further expand its presence  and special stealth coatings. The F-135 engines
        in Singapore, where its workforce of nearly 4000 employees, is  on Singapore’s STOVL F-35s will feature the
        nearly 1/4th its entire strength of approximately 16,000 employees  Rolls-Royce-produced LiftSystem, which con-
        in the region. Raytheon Technologies’ businesses produce engines  sists of a lift fan, driveshaft, roll posts, and three
        and other parts for narrow-body planes; perform MRO work for  ‘Bearing Swivel Modules’ that allow the nozzle
        commercial and military aircraft and supplies a host of technolo-  to tilt down 90 degrees. The engine is fitted
        gies to connect the aviation ecosystem and multiple systems on  with an adaptive control system that allows pilot
        the F-35 fighter jet.                                          to switch between hover and conventional flight
                                                                       at the push of a button. The AMRAAM, AIM-9x,
        Singapore’s insistence on acquiring the latest defence technologies  Sidewinder, JSM missiles, as well as the glid-
        for its armed forces has provided an opportunity for Raytheon  ing Stormbreaker smart weapon (which has a
        Technologies to further grow its products, systems and services  range of approximately 64km) on the F-35 are

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