Page 21 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 21

Defense Systems at Lockheed Martin. “As new
        threats emerge, SPY-7 integrated with Aegis
        will protect Japan and its citizens.”

        Japan had in June 2020 scrapped a plan to
        buy the land-based Aegis Ashore ballistic mis-
        sile defense system. In December that year,
        the Defense Ministry announced that it would                                                               [ MISSILE  DEFENCE ]
        build two naval vessels equipped with Aegis
        missile interceptors. According to local media,
        the request for building costs is expected only
        during FY2025 at the earliest and commission-
        ing of the two vessels is likely only during the
        first half of the next decade.

        Crowded Market                               In November last year, the U.S. Missile Defence Agency (MDA)
        The global missile defense systems market    selected Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman
        is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.4 percent   to compete in developing a new Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI),
        and reach US$40.04 billion by 2030. North    a defensive weapon designed to take out adversary hypersonic
        America currently dominates the market, but   missiles midcourse during their unpowered flight. GPI will intercept
        the region with the biggest growth potential   hypersonic weapons in the glide phase of flight, which occurs once
        is Asia Pacific, which is forecast to grow at   a missile has re-entered Earth's atmosphere and is moving toward
        a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)       its target. Developed on behalf of the MDA, GPI will be integrated
        of 5.2 percent during the decade. In terms of   into the U.S. Navy's Aegis Weapon System, a ship- and shore-based
        range, the 201-400Km segment is expected     defense system. The companies are expected to submit concept
        to grow at a CAGR of 5.0 percent during the   designs for prototypes by September this year. The U.S., which last
        forecast period. Land-based missile defense   month approved a sale of Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures
        systems accounted for about 90 percent of    (LAIRCM) systems to Australia, is also planning to replenish UAE’s
        the market in 2020, but with the rise in demand   THAAD and Patriot missile defense interceptors.
        for an extra layer or two of defense against
        missile threats, the current decade will see
        the marine segment growing at the fastest    Banking on Radars
        clip, at a CAGR of 5.0 percent. Israeli compa-  Leonardo has had considerable success with its air surveillance
        nies Rafael and Israel Aerospace Industries   radars, including the 3D solid-state L-band radar RAT 31DL as
        (IAI) are rapidly making inroads into a market   well as the Kronos family of multi-function/multi-mission active
        that has been traditionally dominated by North   radars (MFRA) for land and naval use. RAT 31DL, which is the main
        American and European companies, includ-     air defence sensor employed by NATO, is also in service in Italy
        ing  Lockheed  Martin,  Raytheon,  Leonardo,   and Austria. Designed to be part of an Integrated Air and Missile
        General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Thales,   Defence (IAMD) architecture, the radar has an effective range of
        Rheinmetall, MBDA, and Boeing.               over 500 km and is able to detect and track various types of threats,
                                                     including ballistic missiles. The company has also developed RAT
        Lockheed Martin’s Integrated Air and Missile  31DL/M, a transportable variant of the RAT 31DL radar. Kronos
        Defence systems leverage Hit-To-Kill technol-  radars, which include Kronos for short-range applications, Kronos
        ogy to defeat incoming missile threats, with  Grand for medium and long-range surveillance and Kronos Power
        defensive missiles defeating incoming missile  Shield for ultra-long-range surveillance, have been integrated in
        threats by colliding with them. The technology is  over 50 systems internationally.
        used in the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence
        (THAAD) Weapon System and PAC-3 family  In June last year, Italian weapons manufacturer announced that
        of missiles. Raytheon’s Layered Air Defence"  it had received a contract to provide the Miysis Directed Infrared
        system comprises an array of defensive mis-  Countermeasure (DIRCM) missile protection system, which moves
        siles, close-in-weapons systems, and directed  an incoming missile away from its target by shining a high-powered
        energy weapons. The Phaser system, which  laser into its targeting system, for an unnamed Middle Eastern gov-
        uses energy lasers, are capable of destroying  ernment’s new VVIP transport aircraft. According to the company,
        enemy drones and defeating hypersonic mis-   the DIRCM system, which can defend against multiple, simultaneous
        siles. Capable of being deployed from jeeps,  incoming missiles and the latest generation of shoulder-launched
        HUMVEES, trucks, and potentially even aircraft,  IR-guided MANPADS, would provide “complete spherical protection
        the Phaser system can be also used for long-  for the aircraft and, uniquely for a system of its size, can output
        range ballistic missile defense as well as attack  more than enough laser energy to protect the Global 7500 aircraft
        drone swarm defense.                         from even the most modern infrared-guided (heat-seeking) missile

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