Page 17 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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name in the early days of the ongoing war, with a senior Ukrainian China, which has a wide range of ATGMs, includ-
military officer stating that it was the “weapon of choice” for his ing portable ones and those that are launched
troops and was responsible for 30–40 per cent of the Russian tanks by attack helicopters, drones, armored vehicles,
destroyed. Armed with a powerful warhead that can defeat any and assault vehicles, is working on adding to its
modern MBT, the shoulder-launched munition has a combat range arsenal. At the Defence and Security (DSA) exhi-
of 20–800 meters. Weighing 12.5 kg, the missile’s engage time is bition in Kuala Lumpur last year, it unveiled the
about five seconds. GAM-10X short- and medium-range anti-tank
guided missiles. According to media reports, the
Rafael’s Spike missiles, which can be launched from more than 45 ATGM series is the Chinese equivalent of the
different platforms, are extensively used by Israel and about 40 other Javelin. While the GAM-100 is capable of hit-
countries that include the UK, India, Philippines, and Singapore, the ting targets between 200 and 2,500 meters, the
Netherlands, Romania, Chile, Colombia, Finland, Germany, and Italy. GAM-102 has a medium operational range and
The Spike ATGM family includes the short-range Spike-SR missile, can hit targets between 300 and 4,000 meters.
the medium range Spike-MR (Gill), the fifth-generation long-range China also has the HJ-12, developed by China
Spike-LR2, the extended-range Spike-ER2, and the sixth-gener- North Industries Corporation (Norinco) and in
ation Spike non-line-of-sight (NLOS) missile. Lockheed Martin has production since 2014.
teamed with Rafael to offer the Spike NLOS system to U.S. customers
and allies.
Well-deserved Popularity
Homegrown Products Cost-effectiveness is just one of the reasons why
Even as established companies promote their ATGMs across regions, ATGMs are in such high demand. The missiles
a few countries are developing indigenous options. In August last possess great range, have exceptional accu-
year, India successfully test-fired its first indigenously developed racy, and can penetrate the heaviest armor.
Man-Portable Guided Anti-Tank Missile. A lightweight laser-guided They are highly mobile, irrespective of whether
fire and forget anti-tank missile with a range of 14 km, the Nag it is mounted on an armored personnel carrier
(Helina) ATGM was successfully test-fired from Main Battle Tank (MBT) (APC), an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), a jeep, or
Arjun by the DRDO and Indian Army. The ATGM’s air force version in a man-packed configuration. When used at
Dhruvastra has also passed all trials and is ready to enter service its maximum range, ATGMs can cause damage
with the Air Force. The two missiles can defeat armored targets, even from distances from which the main gun of
including tanks, at ranges between 7-8 kms. the tank is rendered useless against the infantry.
The Brainy Insights forecast has the global anti-
Meanwhile, a joint venture involving India’s Larsen & Toubro and tank missile system market growing from US$
MBDA - L&T MBDA – is currently working on manufacturing the 2.43 billion in 2021 to USD 3.36 billion by 2030,
ATGM5 for the Indian Armed Forces. The weapon will have all the at a CAGR of 3.68 per cent. The man-porta-
new generation technologies that MBDA has developed for the ble segment is expected to grow at the fastest
CAGR of 4.52 per cent..
Akeron MP.