Page 16 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 16

Forget ATGM that is effective both day and  foreign customer of the ATGM with the Swedish Defence Procurement
        night due to its Imaging Infrared Seeker. The  agency announcing in April this year that it had signed an agree-
        Karaok, which can engage and destroy armor  ment with the General Directorate of Armaments of the Ministry
        and fortified bunkers at a distance of 2-4 kilo-  of the Armed Forces of France for procurement of the missile. The
        meters, is 125mm in diameter and weighs less  agreement between the two countries also includes R&D on the
        than 35 pounds. Incorporating an armor-pierc-  missile and hints at the possibility of having the ATGM produced in
        ing tandem warhead, the system offers both  Sweden by Saab.
        direct and overhead strike modes with a fire-
        and-forget mode.
                                                     The missiles that MBDA will supply to Sweden will receive the offi-
        Major Player                                 cial designation Robotsystem 58 (RBS-58). Training of the Swedish
                                                     armed forces on the Akeron MP will start later this year, with deliveries
        Missile manufacturer MBDA’s Akeron MP is a   expected early next year.  According to reports, Luxembourg has
        fifth generation ATGM missile that is signifi-  also ordered an unspecified number of the ATGMs while MBDA has
        cantly more advanced than the fourth and third   seen interest in the weapon from Belgium and Qatar as well.
        generation weapons currently available on the
        market. The lightweight multi-purpose missile,   The company’s Enforcer man-portable missile is scheduled to enter
        which was developed by the company as a      service with the German army in 2024. MBDA started development
        replacement for the Milan family of ATGMs in   of the weapon in 2014 and in January 2020, announced a contract
        French service, has a weight of about 15 kg and   with the German army. The missile, which has an effective range of
        has a range of over 4,000 meters. It is capable   more than 1,800 m, can be used to destroy lightly armored static
        of engaging armored targets, night or day, and   and moving targets, targets behind cover, and against targets at
        uses a tandem HEAT warhead. The ATGM has     a long-range in urban environments. The Enforcer, which can be
        multiple targeting modes as well as a fire-and-  operated by a single soldier, consists of a single-use carbon-fiber
        forget capability. It is also capable of lock-on   launch tube weighing less than 9 kg, a missile that weighs less than 7
        after launch (LOAL) for non-line-of-sight (NLOS)   kg, and a sight system mounted on the left side of the launcher tube.
                                                     Standing Out
        The Akeron MP entered service with the French
        Army in 2017 and was used in operations for   Another ATGM that has had its reputation enhanced because of
        the  first  time  in  2018.  This  January,  France’s   the ongoing conflict is Swedish manufacturer Saab’s Next gener-
        Directorate General of Armaments (DGA)       ation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW), more than 3,615 of which
        announced that it had ordered 200 Akeron MP   were supplied to Ukraine by the United Kingdom after the Russian
        missiles. Sweden is set to become the first major   aggression. Known as the ultimate tank killer, NLAW lived up to its

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