Page 10 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 10
innovative technlogeis. sonars, to Electronic Warfare, integrated operation of the sys-
radars, communication systems, tems involved in air defence. With
Our vision is to make something weapons, air defence systems, its strong presence in this area,
better than others in terms of etc. Whatever kind of electronic Aselsan is receiving significant
technology. We understand the system that is required can be interest abroad and is signing
customers’ needs and we are supplied by us. We are also international sales contracts.
thoughtful of those needs. We capable of modernizing all types
have placed innovation at the of aircraft with regards to electron- We offer layered air defence solu-
center of every single piece of our ics. We can modernize NATO or tions for air defence integrated
work as we develop advanced non-NATO aircraft and helicop- with airspace control, because
technological solutions in all mil- ters in terms of their electronics, first of all, you need to understand
itary domains ranging from deep avionics and payloads. When it what is going on in your airspace.
ocean to the space. comes to armoured vehicles, we Hence we offer ISR based early
Our portfolio of over 500 products, are unique in having the capability warning radars for long range and
medium range detection of aerial
most of which are field-proven, to modernize American, German threats. We also offer different
is constantly adapted to chang- and Russian Main Battle Tanks kinds of EO search and track
ing technology requirements of (MBT), we have got such projects systems. And also we have a sub-
our customers worldwide in line in Chile, Türkiye and other coun- sidiary providing radars and also
with their feedbacks. As part of tries. We have been involved in offer Electronic Support systems.
our strategic vision that we name the modernisation of many differ- So this is mainly on the sensor
AselsaneXt 2030, we have set a ent types of armored vehicles all side. On the interceptor side, we
goal to be among the top 30 com- around the world in terms of their, offer anti-drone systems all the
panies in the world by 2030. electronics, weapon systems and way to long range air defence
fire control systems. Even when it
Q What are the areas of focus comes to legacy military vehicles systems. Starting from İHTAR
for Aselsan? we can modernize all types of jamming and detection system
these systems. and up, ammunition based short
We are focused on developing range anti-drone systems which
new products which will support Q Please elaborate on your offer- can engage targets one km away.
our global growth and respond ings in the air defence domain? We also offer laser weapons,
to emerging needs that have which can engage drones up to
become increasingly important Aselsan added air defense early two km away. Then there is the
with the new challenges in the warning and command con- KORKUT air defence gun system,
battlefield. Unmanned systems trol system (HERİKKS) and air which is very effective against
are one of the top priorities. defense radar products to its air all types of kamikaze drones
defense system solutions, which and other swarm drones. We
Unmanned aerial vehicles, one of started with the Stinger joint have the GÜRZ gun and missile
the most notable outputs of the production program about 30 based air defence system, which
Turkish defence industry in recent years ago and continued with the provides layered air and missile
years, have attracted consider- pedestal mounted Stinger (KMS) defense and is a mobile system.
able attention in the international project. In this sense, Aselsan has For medium range interception
defence sector. We are one of achieved the success of provid- we offer the HİSAR air defence
the top players in enhancing the ing solutions in this field to the system. To tie these air defence
capabilities of these systems with armies of the world, especially networks together, we have a
payloads such as electro-optical the Turkish Armed Forces, by mature command and control
reconnaissance, surveillance producing complete systems that system, which is the backbone
and targeting systems namely include the three cornerstones of offering new generation 5G , 6G
Aselflir-500 and Tolun guided the air defence system, weapons, communication backbone, which
munitions. sensors and command control. we call as a tactical unified radio
Q There is a requirement from Our success and ambition in access network.
armed forces to upgrade their the fields of electronic warfare, In the near future we will be able
equipment, how can Aselsan help? radar, and air defence have to offer High Power Microwave
recently gained the support of (HPM) based anti-drone sys-
Aselsan has the capability to mod- our government, leading to the tems. As a result we can cover
ernize all types of ships, which emergence of the Steel Dome the entire air defence spectrum
are fully dependent on electron- concept, with Aselsan at its core. with gun, missile, HPM and laser
ics. So in the maritime domain, The focus of the Steel Dome will based interceptors. These are
we have modernized many naval be on developing infrastructures available to export customers with
ships with everything starting from that will ensure the real-time and no restrictions..