Page 9 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 9


        “   OUR VISION IS TO

            MAKE SOMETHING


        Aselsan CEO Ahmet Akyol says as      As you know, here at Aselsan we     had some logistic centres,  but we
        Türkiye’s leading defence company    have a huge portfolio of products   now hope to grow our presence in
        and a global technology company,     related to defence electronics      the Philippines with the new local
        “we will be closely monitoring the   and we can support equipment        office.
        changing scene, new trends and       and services for the maritime,
        threats in the global warfare and on   air and land domains, all at the   Some of our electronics and
        the battlefield in the coming years.”   same time. The Philippines is    Electro Optics are already
        Excerpts from interviews conducted   modernising its armed forces and    deployed with the Armed Forces
        by Jay Menon and Atul Chandra,       we are ready to supply our latest   of the Philippines. In cooper-
        at the ADEX and ADAS shows in        technology to meet these require-   ation with some shipyards in
        Azerbaijan and the Philippines.      ments, whether it is modernisation   the region, we are supplying
                                             of existing equipment or new        the Gokdeniz Close-In Weapon
        Q  At ADEX, we witnessed the keen-   procurements.                       System (CIWS), which will be
        ness of lham Aliyev, President of                                        installed on new Frigates being
        Azerbaijan, in Aselsan’s products    Our focus is on building local      built for the Philippines. So we will
        during his visit to the show.                                            have some additional projects for
                                             capabilities and we are very good   these air defence systems. Some
          Aselsan is not new to Azerbaijan.   at this, because we ourselves      of our equipment is also fitted on
          We have been here for several      started from scratch 50 years       T-129 ‘Atak’ helicopters with the
          years, and we are the main         ago. Aselsan was established        Philippine Air Force.
          suppliers of military communica-   in 1975 with four engineers and
          tion and information systems to    today we have  11,000 engineers    Q What are some of the key
          the armed forces of Azerbaijan.    and coupled with our subsidiar-    factors that helped  the company
          Now we have seen interest from     ies, we have 15,000 engineers.     put up such an extraordinary
          Azerbaijan in our Aselflir-500     We know very well how to build     financial performance for the first
          high-performance new generation    local capability and our policy is   half of 2024?
          15” electro-optical reconnais-     to help and work closely together
          sance, surveillance and targeting   with our local partners to create a   We are one of the fastest growing
          system designed for fixed and      partnership with the Philippines.   companies in the world. We made
          rotary wing airborne platforms.    We know all the challenges,         a significant leap in the annual
          Discussions are underway.          especially those related to mari-   “TOP 100 Defence Companies
          Azerbaijan is also showing inter-  time requirements and we have       List” of Defense News climbing to
          est in guided munitions such as    different types of solutions to     42nd position, up from 47th in the
          our Tolun, which can engage soft   meet any requirement. In support    last year’s list. This achievement
          and hardened multiple targets      of our vision, just last month we   underscores Aselsan’s strong
          simultaneously.                    decided to open Aselsan’s local     commitment to global expansion
                                             office in the Philippines and have   strategy and innovation in the
        Q Please elaborate on your plans     appointed a Country Director in     defence sector.  We are also
        and presence in the Philippine       Manila. In the past we have done    investing for future technologies,
        Defence Market?                      some work in the Philippines and    even while providing solutions for
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                        AUGUST - OCTOBER 2024  | 9
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