Page 14 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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national capabilities, and enhance superiority in a rapidly evolving infrastructure concerns. At Edge,
the UAE’s industrialisation strat- industry and, crucially, enables we ensure that we are positioned
egy. We are present in over 50 us to meet our growing client to respond in real-time to the
countries and across five conti- requirements effectively. Aligning growing needs of our clients, such
nents, solidifying our reputation business is not only through as the critical demand for oper-
as a global player and as a major a relationship with a particular ational readiness, international
exporter of defence systems. To country, but also through bilateral supply chain reinforcement and
capitalise on our growth, we will cooperation. Each one can learn access to advanced autonomous
continue to pursue our aggressive from the other. There are areas in aerial systems, land systems,
product roadmap, harness and which there is minimum overlap, cyber defence infrastructure and
develop breakthrough technol- and in which the two entities can secure communications solutions.
ogies, strike partnerships with profit from each other.
industry players, diversify our
capabilities portfolio, and explore Q How do you see the defence
commercial opportunities locally landscape with security unrest in Q What are your future plans?
and globally. the region?
Edge is aggressively pursuing its
Q What about the challenges and Today, the world finds itself in an product development roadmap
competition out there? How do increasingly uncertain and precar- and is fast becoming a partner of
you face this challenge? ious position, making tomorrow’s choice in the domains of autono-
security landscape unpredictable mous systems, smart weapons,
For all challenges, we find a and the defence industry vulnera- electronic warfare and secure
solution. We never send a project ble to sudden changes. Disruptive communications. A large portion
mission that could be a disadvan- technologies, such as artificial of the group’s robust growth strat-
tage for the customer. Our facility intelligence, electronic warfare, egy is anchored in its acquisitions
combines theory, technology and secure communications and of highly-specialised defence
practice under one roof to drive cybersecurity, are already critical companies and small and medi-
improvements and inspire an in driving national security. That um-sized enterprises. With our
innovative approach to transform is why Edge is heavily investing innovative and modern production
future processes and products. in all of these priority domains, to approach, we will continue to
Our forward-thinking strategy ensure we stay ahead of tomor- have the edge in this competitive
helps us maintain our competitive row’s national security and critical world of defence technology..