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        Systems highlighted the capabilities  According to reports, the proposed   Air Programme (GCAP) effort to
        of the Hermes 900, a large medi-    deal is for 31 drones, with the     develop a sixth-generation stealth
        um-range long endurance (MALE)      Indian Navy planning to acquire 15   fighter.                                          CRITICAL
        class of drone that has spawned a   SeaGuardian drones and the Indian   The concept of fielding a swarm of
        civilian-agency variant called the   Air Force and the Indian Army eight   smaller drones along with a combat              MISSION
        Hermes 900 Starliner. According to   SkyGuardian drones each.           jet, or even independently, is not
        the company, Hermes 900 has the     The Eurodrone program, which has    new; Boeing Australia and the
        “first ever dual military and civilian   encountered significant delays and   Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
        certifications for a UAS.” The drone   challenges, is meant to produce a   have developed MQ-28A Ghost Bat,
        can perform ground support and      European-made large UAS. The        or a Loyal Wingman, which will fly
        maritime patrol missions for both   effort involves Italy, Spain, Germany  alongside existing manned aircraft
        naval customers and civilian gov-   and France as well as contractors   and uses artificial intelligence (AI)
        ernment agencies.                   Leonardo, Dassault Aviation, and    to conduct teaming missions. The
                                            Airbus Defense and Space. In        Ghost Bat, which is capable of
                                            2022, France reaffirmed its intention  performing surveillance, reconnais-
        Homegrown Products                  to buy six Eurodrones, four of which  sance, and early warning missions,
        India’s push to enhance the capa-   are on order. The proposed drone is  is expected to enter service with
        bilities of its indigenous defence   not expected to enter service before  the RAAF between 2024 and 2025.
        industry has resulted in the Ghatak   2030.                             The Loyal Wingman has a length of
        (Lethal), an autonomous high-                                           11.7m and a wingspan of 7.3m. It is
        speed drone that based on a flying   Small is Beautiful                 designed to fly at a subsonic speed
        wing design. The combat drone,                                          and attain a range of more than
        being developed by Defense          The demand for large military       2,000nm.  The aircraft will be fitted
        Research and Development            drones is, if anything, being dwarfed   with sensors, allowing a manned
        Organization (DRDO) for the Indian   by the appetite being shown by     aircraft to simultaneously carry out
        Air Force, has a weapons bay for    militaries to acquire smaller, less   surveillance, navigation, and tactical
        missiles and smart bombs. It will   expensive unmanned aircraft sys-    operations with the help of modular
        be able to land without infrastruc-  tems (UAS). In October last year,   ATS payloads aboard a swarm of
        ture like ground radar, or a pilot.   the United States and Australia   drones.
        “With this flight in the tailless   announced plans to cooperate with
        configuration, India has joined  Japan on uncrewed aircraft sys-        Replicator Initiative                              When you have people in need on the frontline, there is no option but
        an elite club of countries that     tems (UAS), stepping up efforts in                                                     to support. There is no airfield for miles. You need to reach a hostile
        have mastered the controls          the field of “collaborative combat   The Pentagon believes the concept                 environment in unforgiving terrain where the only options are short,
        for the flying wing technol-        aircraft (CCA),” which involves     of using inexpensive autonomous                    unpaved airstrips. The multi-role Airbus A400M can carry 37 tonnes of aid,
                                            unmanned aircraft operating auton-
                                                                                systems against the enemy can
        ogy,” the defence ministry said.    omously or side by side with piloted   work across domains. In August last             more than 100 people or even life-saving, heavy engineering equipment.
                                            aircraft. Japan, interestingly, is   year, it announced the Replicator                 It is capable of landing virtually anywhere, ensuring that civilians, units or
        Ghatak’s successful test comes      also partnering with the UK and     initiative that aims to field “multiple            communities who need support are never out of reach. With the A400M
        in the wake of the delay in the     Italy to develop CCA-style drones   thousands” of “attritable autono-                  we can help them and protect our beautiful world.
        procurement of MQ-9B drones.        as part of the Global Combat        mous systems” across multiple

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