Page 9 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 9
(MDFD), Europe’s first large-scale
multi-domain flight demonstra-
tion. MDFD is the second phase
of the Future Combat Air System
(FCAS) Manned-Unmanned
Teaming Demonstrator project that
will develop a flying remote carrier
(RC) demonstrator. Initial opera-
tions are expected in the 2030s,
with the remote carriers (UAVs)
operating as part of a team with the
manned New Generation Fighter
and the Eurofighter, connected
to a cyber-secured combat cloud
In February 2022, Airbus used the
A400M to demonstrate an airborne
launch of a drone, with the multi-
role airlifter deploying a drone from
its opened rear cargo ramp door
while airborne. The demonstra-
© GA ASI tion involved a joint flight test crew
from the German Air Force and
Airbus, with the company’s Modular
Boeing demonstrated open auton- concepts in future battlefields. In Airborne Combat Cloud Services
omy architecture for MUM-T with India, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (MACCS) enabling connectivity
the MQ-25. The demonstration (HAL) will this year commence between the airlifter and the drone.
included Northrop Grumman’s E-2D flight testing of the ‘Loyal Wingman’ As the aircraft’s large cargo bay
Advanced Hawkeye command and warrior drone that it is developing is expected to be able to hold 40
control aircraft, the P-8A Poseidon along with a private sector firm. The or more of the drones, Airbus will
maritime patrol and reconnaissance MUM-T drone is being designed continue validation of the A400M as
aircraft, and the F/A-18 Block III to accompany manned Indian Air an airborne launch platform for the
Super Hornet fighter jet. The three Force (IAF) fighter jets like LCA drones, to be used as a part of the
naval aircraft tasked four virtual Tejas and Rafale. China has also FCAS.
MQ-25s to conduct intelligence, taken giant strides towards making
surveillance and reconnaissance MUM-T an integral part of its future Another company making major
progress with MUM-T is Leonardo,
missions. battle plans.
which has the concept as a key
element of its “BeTomorrow2030”
Asian Scene MUM-T in Europe Strategic Plan. In September
In December 2022, Korea There is plenty of activity in the field 2020, the Italian conglomerate
Aerospace Industries (KAI) and going on in Europe as well, where successfully demonstrated inte-
the Korea Research Institute for Airbus Defense and Space is lead- grated capabilities between a
Defense Technology Planning and ing a major multi-partner MUM-T manned aircraft and a drone during
Advancement (KRIT) announced project involving the German Armed trials between a Leonardo AW159
a partnership to develop technolo- Forces and the Finnish Defence Wildcat helicopter and a semi-au-
gies that enable MUM-T of combat Forces. The industry partners tonomous UAV from Callen-Lenz
helicopters and military UAS. KAI involved in the project are missiles Associates. Leonardo’s MUM-T
has begun full scale development manufacturer MBDA, airborne solution allowed the Wildcat crew to
of the small modular UAS and is networking data link provider Patria, control both the flight path and pay-
a member of a 5-member consor- autonomy and mission technology load of the UAV using a task-based
tium that also includes LIG Nex startup HAT.tec and drone launch Human Machine Interface (HMI).
1 and Poongsan. The aircraft is system provider Robonic. In July The demonstration, which was part
expected to be operational by 2026. 2022, two fighter jets, one heli- of the British Army’s MUMT themed
The technologies gleaned from the copter and five unmanned remote Army Warfighting Experiment
agreement will be applied to Air carriers successfully teamed up (AWE) 19, was planned and exe-
Launched Effects (ALE) and MUM-T for a Multi-Domain Flight Demo cuted by Dstl..