Page 10 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 10
ASEAN countries have a modernisation process
underway, especially for their air power
n March 2019, Singapore’s Air Force (RSAF) will start taking Importance of Air Power
Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen the delivery of the aircraft from
I said in Parliament that the “Next 2026. Given the sweeping impact of
Gen Singapore Armed Forces will today’s technology, air power has
be more lethal in all domains.” “These aircraft are neces- unquestionably taken a position of
A graphic shown to legislators sary to enable the RSAF to dominance in changing the very
during his presentation had dozens strengthen its next-gener- nature of warfare. Hence, any
of pieces of military hardware nation that aspires to enhance its
Singapore plans to have in its ation capabilities as part of influence beyond its frontiers; ought
arsenal by 2030 as it ramps up its the Singapore Armed Forces to have a strong and a viable air
defence capabilities. (SAF) 2040 transformation. force.
The F-35Bs will replace the
The US F-35 stealth fighters were ageing F-16s, which will pro- In the words of late General Omar
the top-flight on the list. A year Bradley, the first chairman of the
later, the United States government gressively draw down after Joint Chiefs of Staff who oversaw
approved the sale of the F-35B to reaching obsolescence from the U.S. military’s policymaking
Singapore. The current programme mid-2030s,” in the Korean War, “Air power
of record is 12 F-35B variant air- has become predominant, both
craft, and the Republic of Singapore the defence minister said. as a deterrent to war, and in the