Page 19 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 19

developed by the Research and       the Sarmat boosted                  Joining Hands
        Production Association of Machine-  intercontinental ballis-
        Building (the town of Reutov, the                                       In April 2022, the then-prime min-
        Moscow Region) and was tested       tic missile; the Tsirkon            isters of Australia and Britain,
        from 2004. The glide vehicle is     ground- and sea-based               Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson,
        capable of flying at hypersonic     hypersonic rockets; the             joined Joe Biden in issuing a joint
        speed in the dense layers of the                                        statement saying their countries
        atmosphere, maneuvering by its      Poseidon unmanned                   would commence new trilateral
        flight path and its altitude and    underwater vehicle; and             cooperation on hypersonics and
        breaching any anti-missile defence.  the Burevestnik nucle-             counter-hypersonics, and electronic
                                                                                warfare capabilities, as well as to
                                            ar-armed cruise missile.”           expand information sharing and to
        The new weapon was unveiled by      he added.                           deepen co-operation on defence
        Russian President Vladimir Putin                                        innovation.
        in his State of the Nation address   The second design, Kinzhal
        to the Federal Assembly on March    (dagger) classified as AS-24 Killjoys
        2018.                                                                   It has been reported that the United
                                            by Nato, is claimed can immedi-     Kingdom intends to design and
                                            ately destroy US nuclear bases in   deploy its own hypersonic cruise
        Officials said the ICBM flies 27    Europe. The stationary weapon is    missile by the year 2030.The
        times faster than the speed of      ideal for a prompt strike. It can be   country has laid out a road map
        sound. During the last known tests   delivered by a high-speed carrier   that could lead to the development
        that took place in December 2018,   such as a fifth-generation fighter.   of a hypersonic strike capability.
        the Avangard hit a practice target                                      The UK defense ministry last July
        6,000 kilometers away across                                            revealed plans to expand the coun-
        Siberia at speeds up to Mach 27.    The missile has a long-range        try’s understanding of hypersonic
                                            and hit precision comparable to     weapon technologies.
                                            Iskander missiles. It has a claimed
        “Not a single country               range of more than 2,000 kilome-
        possesses hypersonic                tres, a speed of more than Mach     “As part of the Team
        weapons, let alone                  10, and an ability to perform eva-  Hypersonics (UK)
                                            sive manoeuvres at every stage of
        inter-continental hyper-            flight carrying both conventional and   delivery strategy,
        sonic weapons. We                   nuclear warheads.                   the UK Ministry of
        already have the Kinzhal                                                Defence (MoD) Defence
        hypersonic missile sys-             The third and newest hypersonic     Equipment & Support
        tems in the field, and the          weapons the Russians have           (DE&S) intends to
        Peresvet laser combat               claimed is 3M-22 Tsirkon or Zircon   establish a multi-sup-
                                            anti-ship missile (ASM). The
        systems have already                Zircon’s estimated range is 500 kilo-  plier Hypersonic

        been deployed,”                     metres at a low level and up to 750  Technologies &
        Putin said.                         kilometres at a semi-ballistic trajec-  Capability Development
                                            tory, but the state-owned media in   Framework Agreement
                                            Russia reports the range as 1,000
        The latest ballistic missiles with the   kilometres. It’s a two-stage missile   (the Framework). The
        Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle   that uses solid fuel in the first stage   aim of the Framework
        (HGV) are being delivered to the    and a scramjet motor in the second   is to accelerate devel-
        Strategic Missile Forces. “This is a   stage.
        weapon of the future that can pen-                                      opment of the United
        etrate both existing and any future                                     Kingdom Hypersonic
        missile defense systems,” Putin     Australia, the U.K. and the U.S.,   Strike Capability and
        said.                               together known as the Aukus
                                            nations, previously announced a     to provide a route to
                                            plan to expand their military pact to   market for future oper-
        “Work on other systems              collaborate on the development of   ational elements of
        is underway, including              hypersonic missiles and anti-hyper-
                                            sonic weapons.                      hypersonic and adjacent

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                           MARCH - APRIL 2024  | 19
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