Page 24 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 24

vessels with fully unmanned sys-    “Our EEZ is the fifth               of 200 kg, length of about 8 m, and
        tems from 2027. Meanwhile, ST       largest in the world at             endurance of more than 12 hours.
        Engineering has developed the
        Mercury autonomous underwater       more than four million              The urgency shown by the U.S.
        vehicle, a 6-meter-long multipur-   square kilometres…The               and its allies in the Asia Pacific to
        pose drone that can either detect   evidence we’ve seen                 acquire unmanned naval assets
        mines, map the seafloor or inspect                                      is understandable given the mas-
        underwater cables. The company      from our partner mili-
        also has an 18-meter long USV that  taries overseas is that             sive strides China has made in
        can be used for firefighting, search-  uncrewed drone aircraft          the field. At the World Defence
                                                                                Show Exhibition in Riyadh earlier
        and-rescue and patrol missions.     and vessels can provide             this year, China State Shipbuilding
                                            real value in fulfilling            Corporation (CSSC) revealed
        South Korea has announced plans     some of these search                Thunderer A2000, a new medi-
        to increase the percentage of                                           um-sized combat unmanned
        drones in its naval operations to   and surveillance tasks,”            surface vessel (USV) that is cur-
        9% by the mid-2020s, 28% by the     he says.                            rently under development. With
        mid-2030s and 45% by the 2040s.                                         a displacement of 280 tonnes,
        The assets that will be acquired    The Indian Navy is currently con-   a length of 45 meters, and a top
        include anti-submarine drones. The   ducting trials of its first indigenously   speed of 35 knots, the Thunderer
        country’s military is also keen on   developed multirole unmanned sur-  A2000 is powered by twin diesel
        using the operational concept of    face vessel (USV) for surveillance   engines and two CPP propellers.
        manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-       and minesweeping. The companies     The trimaran hull design ensures
        T), which is the use of manned and   involved in the project are Weapon   low radar cross-section and stealth.
        unmanned systems together as a      and Electronic Systems Engineering
        force multiplier.                   Establishment (WESEE), Bharat       Turkey Shines
                                            Electronic Ltd (BEL), and Goa       The Turkish defence industry, which
        The Royal New Zealand Navy          Shipyard Ltd (GSL).  The USV is 15   has regularly hit the headlines in
        will soon receive “Bluebottle,”     meters long and has a maximum       recent years for its speedy growth
        an unmanned surface vessel          speed of more than 30 knots. The    and a spate of modern weapons,
        (USV) that can run completely on    service also wants to introduce USV   has made a name for itself in the
        renewable energy. Designed by       swarms against adversaries and      field of USVs as well. At DIMDEX
        Australian firm Ocius Technology,   asked Sagar Defence Engineering     2024 in Doha earlier this year,
        the USV is capable of a wide        to demonstrate a weaponised         Turkish defence company Kayaci
        variety of missions such as border   12-boat swarm. Another USV         Defence showcased the new Okhan
        protection and meteorological       that will be inducted soon is the   USV, which has been developed in
        data gathering. According to Navy   Brainbox Smart Ship Operations      collaboration with the Turkish Coast
        Maritime Component Commander        (SSO), which has been jointly       Guard. The vessel, an 11.4-meter
        Commodore Garin Golding, the        developed by Tardid and Accurate    autonomous and operator-control-
        unmanned vessel will be used to     Industrial Controls. The Brainbox   lable vessel, features both electric
        patrol New Zealand’s vast Exclusive  USV, which can travel at a speed of   and diesel engines. With a hybrid
        Economic Zone (EEZ).                12 n mile/h, has a payload capacity   propulsion system, it can achieve

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