Page 13 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 13

purchase a fleet of L-15 advanced   exercises, ground school training,   Over 1000 units of the Hawk have
        jet trainers. The plan is to acquire   and ongoing support services. The   been sold to 18 operators around
        an initial 12 L-15 aircraft, with   comprehensive programme will be     the world, but BAE Systems
        options for a further 36. The L-15   implemented by utilizing a fleet of   stopped production of the trainer
        has two variants, one for advanced   over 70 new training aircraft that   in the UK in 2020. The jet is now
        jet training and the other for lead-in   include Grob G120TPs, Pilatus   produced by HAL under licence in
        fighter training. While student     PC-21s, Beechcraft King Air 260s,   India, but with the introduction of
        pilots learn how to fly supersonic   Airbus H-135 helicopters, and De   technologically advanced fighters
        aircraft and perform complex        Havilland Dash 8-400s modified      like the F-35, many air forces are
        aerial manoeuvres on advanced       for onboard mission training.  The   now looking at more advanced,
        trainer jets, lead-in fighter train-  programme will officially commence   preferably multi-role, trainers. The
        ing jets familiarize trainees with   in spring 2029m, with training to be   Hawk is popular in the Middle East,
        combat manoeuvres and skills.       conducted at Saskatchewan and       with the trainer still operational with
        The aircraft, which has a maximum   Manitoba, with.                     the Royal Saudi Air Force, Qatar
        payload of 3,000 kg, is powered                                         Emiri Air Force, the Royal Air Force
        by two AI-222K-25F afterburner      The SkyAlyne initiative comes       of Oman, and the Royal Bahrain Air
        turbofan engines and has a service   in the backdrop of the air force’s   Force (RBAF). The UAE Air Force

        life of 3000 flying hours. The air-  fighter training squadron entering a   and Air Defence, however, is with-
        craft, which has been acquired by   “period of hiatus” after the service   drawing them from service.
        Zambia, is also capable of engaging   retired its fleet of BAE Systems   The Next Big Thing
        in ground and air warfare.          CT-155 Hawk trainer jets in March
                                            this year. The service will eventu-  Defence analysts expect Canada
        Bumper Contract                     ally replace the Hawks with a new   to follow in the path of the USAF,

        In May this year, Canada’s defence   fighter lead-in trainer through its   which in September 2018 selected
        ministry announced that it had      Future Fighter Lead-in Training     the T-7 Red Hawk, the subsonic
        awarded SkyAlyne, a partnership     (FFLIT) programme. “With the        advanced jet trainer produced by
        between CAE and KF Aerospace,       Hawk reaching the end of its        Boeing with Saab, to replace the
        a 25-year, CAD11.2 billion (US$8.2   service life after 20 years,       Northrop Grumman-produced T-38
        billion) contract to deliver the    Canada, along with many             Talon jet trainer. The initial plan,
        Future Aircrew Training (FAcT)      countries is faced with the         under the US $9.2 billion contract,
        Programme for the Royal Canadian                                        was for USAF to buy 351 Red
        Air Force’s (RCAF). SkyAlyne and    challenges of what will be          Hawks – with the option to buy
        the RCAF will develop a compre-     the next jet trainer in a world     up to 475 - starting in December
        hensive training programme that     of fifth-generation fighter         2025, but the production timeline
        will include classroom instruc-     aircraft,” says Colonel Adam        has since been pushed back due
        tion, flight simulation, live flying   Carlson, director of RCAF training.  to design problems with the escape
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                               MAY - JULY 2024  | 13
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