Page 3 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 3

                             CONTENTS                           THE NEXT BIG STEP
                                                                Air forces around the world work
                                                                with industry partners to introduce
                                                                manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T)
                                          COVER STORY  05       to their operations
                                          INVESTMENT            29
                                       There has been a notable    UPGRADED
                                     surge in global interest for  ISTAR    AIR DEFENCE
                                   systems in the last few years  India is turning towards indigenous
                                                                alternatives to meet its air defence needs
                            AIRBUS MAKES INDIA                  31  INTERVIEW
                                     A STRATEGIC HUB
                                                The company has already    “WE ARE SUPPORTING
                              established FALs for C295 military   DRONES ACROSS THEIR
                                  aircraft and H125 helicopters  ENTIRE LIFECYCLE”
                                                                Manoj K Singh, Chief Customer Officer,
                                                     11         Global Aviation Aerospace and Defence
                                          BRIMMING              at Ramco Systems
                                       WITH POTENTIAL
                                               The military trainer aircraft    33
                               market has never had it this good.  THE NEXT BIG STEP
                                                                The modernisation of the
                                                     15         Indian Air Force is gathering pace
                                 OPTIMAL TRANSPORT

                            Embraer Defence & Security’s C-390   35
                          Millennium is flying high with orders from   IN HIGH DEMAND
                        seven countries and growing interest from   Baykar, Turkey’s biggest defence exporter,
                                    other potential customers   has seen surging demand for its TB2, Akinci
                                                                and TB3 drones
                                         INDIA’S FRENCH         37
                                      CONNECTION                AERIAL MIGHT
                             The Rafale Marine deal stresses the   China’s indigenous military aviation
                           importance of the strategic relationship   complex is churning out a large number
                                    between India and France    of combat platforms

                                                    20          39
                             JAPAN GETTING HYPER                COMBAT CAPABLE
                                                     The country is strengthening    Southeast Asian airforces have dramatically
                                its stand-off defence capabilities  upgraded their combat capability
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