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        missionized aircraft from more      exploitation systems. While the     breakthroughs from the commercial
        than 10 original equipment man-     sensors and monitoring equipment    sector.
        ufacturers, consisting of over 125   will be indigenous, the aircraft will
        aircraft types with more than 15,000  be a commercial or executive jet   Luxembourg’s early contribution
        deliveries. The company has more    acquired from abroad, an official at   of EUR 16.5 million has laid the
        than 50 multi-mission business jet   the Ministry of Defence informed.   groundwork for this transformative
        aircraft on contract or delivered.   “We expect that the three ISTAR    initiative and will allow partici-
        Customers include coast guards      aircraft systems will be delivered   pating countries to contribute to
        and militaries across the U.S., U.K.,   within 60 months or five years after   Aquila through their own assets,
        Australia, as well as European and   signing of contract,” the official   data and/or funds. The 19 partic-
        Asian partner nations, a company    added.                              ipating NATO Allies are: Belgium,
        official informed.                                                      Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France,
                                            Role of Space in ISTAR              Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
        INDIA and ISTAR                     Space-based assets, such as satel-  Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
        The Indian Air Force (IAF) is also   lites, play a critical role in providing   Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain,
        actively pursuing the acquisition   intelligence, surveillance and recon-  Sweden, Türkiye, the United
        of ISTAR as part of its modernisa-  naissance capabilities to militaries.  Kingdom and the United States.
        tion plans. Early this year,  the IAF
        issued a Request for Information    According to a NATO memo, at        According to NATO, the APSS
        (RFI) for three ISTAR systems       the defence ministers’ meeting in   initiative – which focuses on
        along with associated ground        February 2023, a group of NATO      assets looking down at Earth – will
        segment. The ISTAR systems will     Allies together with former invitees   complement the Strategic Space
        comprise aircraft, onboard pay-     Finland and Sweden (now NATO        Situational Awareness System
        loads, and the associated ground    member countries) announced         (3SAS), which focuses on assets
        segment. The jet aircraft will have   their intent  to launch the Alliance   looking up at space and is cur-
        a minimum ceiling of 40,000 feet    Persistent Surveillance from Space   rently being developed at NATO
        and a minimum endurance of eight    (APSS) initiative. APSS plans to    Headquarters. The 3SAS capabil-
        hours.                              deliver increased ISR capabilities   ity will allow the Alliance to better
                                            using data from a large-scale,      understand the space environment
                                            virtual constellation of national and   and space events, and their effects
        The range of multimode synthetic    commercial surveillance satellites,   across all operational domains.
        aperture radar to be 200 kilome-    called “Aquila”. This new mech-     The 3SAS system is also sup-
        tres or more with ground-moving     anism will provide the Alliance     ported by EUR 6.7 million funding
        target indicator, with a range of   with faster and better intelligence,   from Luxembourg. The project will
        minimum 150 kilometres. The         integrate even more space-based     support NATO’s Space Centre,
        ground segment will have two fixed   data into NATO’s intelligence eco-  which was established in Ramstein,
        and four transportable ground       system and leverage technological   Germany in 2020..

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