Page 6 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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and electro-optic systems sales in
        Europe, along with countermeasure

        The company’s revenues rose by
        8 per cent to US$5.97 billion, up
        from US$5.51 billion in the previ-
        ous year. The growth is attributed
        to enhanced performance in aero-
        space, C4I and Cyber, ISTAR and
        EW, and land systems sectors,
        reflecting increasing demand for the
        company’s defence products.

        Recently, Elbit Systems had
        announced that it was awarded a
        contract valued at US$660 million
        to provide intelligence systems for a
        country in Europe. The contract will   Elbit System is aggressively mar-  platform’s weapon station.
        be executed over a period of four   keting its latest COPAS-L, a new
        years and includes an additional    electro-optical (EO) payload for    The highly stabilised COAPS-L
        10-year maintenance period.         ISTAR. COAPS-L is a miniaturised    includes a medium wave infra-red
                                            configuration of the company’s      (MWIR) or a long wave infra-red
                                            commander open architecture
        Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis, Elbit                                         (LWIR) channel, thermal channel,
        Systems President & CEO,            panoramic sight (COAPS) that is in   high definition colour day camera,
                                            service onboard main battle tanks
        commented:                                                              eye-safe laser range finder, and an
                                            and armoured fighting vehicles      automated target tracker, providing
        “This significant contract          (AFV) around the world.             360-degrees, long-range ISTAR
        award is a testament to                                                 capabilities, day and night, on-the-
        the edge and maturity of            With small dimensions and weigh-    move or stationary.
                                            ing only 40kg, COPAS-L provides
        our technologies as well            light platforms such as light tactical   In addition, COAPS-L features
        as to the trust that                vehicles, UGVs and surface vessels   artificial intelligence video analytics
                                            with AFV-level ISTAR capabilities.
        customers place with                The COPAS-L payload operates        enabling automatic target recog-
        our solutions.”                     either as an independent ISTAR      nition and classification, video
                                                                                motion detection and enhanced
                                            payload or combined with the        image processing. The COAPS-L
                                                                                open architecture supports inte-
         © IAI Elta
                                                                                gration with command and control
                                                                                systems and with other onboard

                                                                                Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI)
                                                                                Elta Systems, one of the most
                                                                                prolific worldwide developers of
                                                                                special mission aircraft (SMA) from
                                                                                business jets and military aircraft
                                                                                conversion, is proposing a range
                                                                                of solutions including the ELW-
                                                                                2085 CAEW, ELW-2090 AWACS,
                                                                                P-600 AEW, ELI-3001 SIGINT,
                                                                                ELI-3150 Multi-Mission Airborne
                                                                                Reconnaissance & Surveillance
                                                                                System (MARS2), ELI-3150 ISTAR
                                                                                and ELI-350 CL650 aerial ground

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