Page 42 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 42

military hardware, with more acqui-  Master trainer/light attack jets.   Thailand remains the only
        sitions on the horizon. In 2015, the                                    Southeast Asian country still
        acquisition of the first FA-50PH    Singapore is also set to become     using the F-5E/F Tiger II fighters.
        trainer/light fighter aircraft from   the sole Southeast Asian nation   Fourteen of these aircraft have
        South Korea ended a ten-year        equipped with 5th generation jet    been upgraded to the F-5E/F TH
        period of the Philippine Air Force   fighters for the foreseeable future.   “Super Tigris’’ standard with assis-
        (PAF) without any fast combat       In 2020, the country initially ordered  tance from Israel.
        aircraft. Currently, twelve FA-50PH   four F-35B Lightning II aircraft - the
        aircraft are actively serving with the   short take-off and vertical landing   Following the United States’ refusal
        PAF.                                (STOVL) variant of the F-35 series.   to sell F-35 stealth jets to Thailand
                                            The order was later expanded by     in 2023, the RTAF is now consid-
        However, the Philippines still needs   eight more F-35Bs in 2023, bring-  ering the acquisition of either the
        to strengthen its air force further   ing the total to 12, with deliveries   latest variant of Gripen jets - the
        by acquiring more dedicated multi-  scheduled to begin in 2029.         JAS-39E/F - from Sweden or the
        role jet fighters. After deliberating                                   most advanced variant of the
        between Sweden’s JAS-39C/D and                                          Fighting Falcon jets, known as the
        the United States’ F-16C/D, the PAF  In February 2024, the Singapore    F-16 Block 70/72. However, it is
        appears to have decided to procure   Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)       important to note that the RTAF
        14 Swedish-made jets. Following     announced an additional contract    plans to retire its current fleet of
        this decision, the service is also   for eight conventional take-off and   combat jets, with the exception of
        considering placing an additional   landing (CTOL) F-35A aircraft,      the JAS-39C/D fighters, between
        order for the FA-50PH as well as    resulting in a total order of 20 F-35   2028 and 2031.
        contemplating the potential procure-  series aircraft for Singapore.
        ment of the KF-21 Boramae for its                                       Vietnam:
        next-generation fighter programme.  Thailand:
                                                                                The Russian invasion of Ukraine
        Singapore:                          The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF)     has also impacted this Southeast
                                            currently has a fleet of jet-pro-   Asian nation, as all the main
        The Republic of Singapore Air       pelled combat aircraft that includes   combat aircraft types of the Vietnam
        Force (RSAF) exclusively operates   50 F-16A/B Fighting Falcons, 33     People’s Air Force (VPAF) are
        the F-15E variant, known as the     F-5E/F Tiger IIs from the United    sourced from Russia. Reports
        F-15SG multirole fighter, with 40   States, and 11 JAS-39C/D Gripens    indicate that the service’s 33 Su-22
        currently in service. Additionally,   from Sweden. Additionally, the    ground attack aircraft, as well as its
        the RSAF maintains a fleet of 59    RTAF operates 18 Dornier Alpha      Su-27 and Su-30 fighter/multirole
        F-16C/D aircraft. The RSAF’s inven-  Jet trainer/light attack aircraft from   combat jets - numbered around
        tory also includes 12 Alenia M-346   Germany.                           45 in all - are increasingly difficult
                                                                                to maintain due to their age and
                                                                                issues with spare parts.

                                                                                In 2021, VPAF signed a contract
                                                                                to acquire 12 US-made turboprop
                                                                                T-6 Texan II trainers to replace its
                                                                                old radial piston Yak-52 aircraft.
                                                                                This move could pave the way for
                                                                                the future acquisition of Western-
                                                                                made combat jets like the F-16, as
                                                                                reported in 2023.

                                                                                What has materialised is the coun-
                                                                                try’s order of 36 L-39NG aircraft
                                                                                from the Czech Republic in 2021,
                                                                                in which 24 have been delivered to
                                                                                date to strengthen VPAF’s fleet of
                                                                                advanced trainer and light combat
                                                                                jets together with 12 Russian-made
                                                                                Yak-130 aircraft already in service..

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