Page 40 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 40

Indonesia:                          Of the 16 T-50i trainer/light attack   suggest that South Korea might
                                            jets Indonesia received between     reevaluate Indonesia’s involvement
        The largest Southeast Asian         2012 and 2014, three have been      in the programme.
        country currently operates a        lost to accidents. The remaining 13
        mix of 32 American-made F-16        will soon be joined by six additional   In January this year, Indonesia
        Fighting Falcons, 29 UK-made        T-50i jets ordered in 2021.         concluded a deal to purchase 18
        Hawk 109/209s, 16 Russian-made                                          Dassault Rafale F4 fighters from
        Su-27/30s (NATO code: Flanker),     TNI-AU also received deliveries of   France, completing a series of
        and 13 South Korean-made T-50i      five Su-27 and 11 Su-30 combat      contracts that bring the total order
        aircraft as its combat jets.        jets between 2003 and 2013. All     for this multirole jet fighter to 42.
                                            of these Russian-made aircraft      This represents Indonesia’s larg-
        Of the ten F-16A/B jets still in ser-  were upgraded to Su-27MKM and    est combat aircraft purchase since
        vice with the Indonesian Air Force   Su-30MK2 standards in 2017, fea-   the early 1960s when the country
        (TNI Angkatan Udara/TNI AU) since   turing improved avionics and new    acquired no less than 140 MiG jets
        1990, eight have been upgraded      engines to enhance their combat     of various types from the Soviet
        with the Falcon Star enhanced Mid   capabilities.                       Union. It also marks the first intro-
        Life Update (eMLU) programme                                            duction of French-made combat
        that has been running since 2018,   Beyond these acquisitions,          jets into the Indonesian Air Force
        with the final two awaiting comple-  Indonesia’s involvement in South   (TNI-AU), with the initial batch of
        tion. In addition to these F-16A/Bs,   Korea’s KF-21 Boramae pro-       Rafale jets scheduled for delivery to
        TNI-AU also operates 23 refur-      gramme - which began in 2010        Indonesia in 2026.
        bished F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft    - has been fraught with controversy.
        from the United States.             Indonesia has repeatedly delayed    Following the United States’ refusal
                                            a portion of its share of payments,   to sell its fifth-generation F-35 jets
        Between 1997 and 1999, Indonesia    largely due to dissatisfaction with   to Indonesia, the U.S. offered to
        received deliveries of 8 Hawk 109   the restrictions imposed by the     sell up to 36 of the latest variant of
        two-seater trainer/light attack jets   United States and South Korea on   the F-15E Strike Eagle to Indonesia
        and 24 Hawk 209 single-seater       key elements of the programme.      in 2022. Formally known as the
        light combat jets from the United                                       F-15EX Eagle II, this aircraft fea-
        Kingdom. For a time, these Hawk     The alleged technology theft by     tures numerous improvements
        109/209 aircraft operated alongside   Indonesian engineers in February   and advancements compared to
        20 Hawk Mk.53 trainers, which were   2024 further compounded these      the venerable Strike Eagle, includ-
        delivered to TNI-AU in the early    controversies, leading the chief of   ing new radar and avionics, new
        1980s before being retired and      South Korea’s Defense Acquisition   engines, increased combat capabil-
        replaced by T-50i aircraft in 2015.   Program Administration (DAPA) to   ity, and enhanced survivability.

                                                                                While the current outgoing
                                                                                Indonesian administration has not
                                                                                signed a contract to acquire the
                                                                                aircraft, it is expected that the next
                                                                                Indonesian administration - slated
                                                                                to take office in November 2024 -
                                                                                will place a firm order for 24 F-15EX
                                                                                jets, designated as F-15IDN for


                                                                                As the only landlocked country in
                                                                                Southeast Asia, Laos has a modest
                                                                                air force currently equipped with
                                                                                four (delivered as of 2024, from 10
                                                                                ordered in 2017) Russian-made
                                                                                Yak-130 (NATO code: Mitten), and
                                                                                at least four Chinese-made K-8
                                                                                trainer/light combat aircraft.

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