Page 38 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 38

the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter    warfare aircraft and a drone carrier.   diversified demands from users in
        jet stating that the aircraft which   The Y-20 is also slated to receive a   fields such as marine environment
        made its first test flight in 2011 was   more powerful indigenously devel-  monitoring, resource detection, pas-
        continuing to receive upgrades.     oped engine which will boost its    senger and cargo transportation,
        “The J-20 is constantly improving,   range and cargo carrying capacity.   and more, the developer said.
        keeping pace with the times, and
        continuously perfecting its mission   In July, the Aviation Industry
        system to achieve its expected      Corporation of China (AVIC)         Export Contender
        combat objectives,” said Li Gang,   announced that its independent-
        the test pilot in the J-20’s maiden   ly-developed AG600 large          It has now been over two years
        flight, while speaking on China     amphibious aircraft has entered a   since the Pakistan Air Force (PAF)
        Central Television (CCTV). Chinese   new phase of low-rate initial batch   inducted its first batch of AVIC
        officials have also indicated that   production and final assembly. The   J-10CE fighter jets. The export of
        the J-20 has received upgraded      final assembly of the AG600 aircraft   these fighter jets can be consid-
        engines allowing it to “Super       will be carried out by AVIC General   ered a major success for Chinese
        Cruise”, which means that the       Huanan Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. in   combat aviation. The first batch
        aircraft can sustain supersonic flight  Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong   of six J-10CE fighter jets were
        without use of the afterburner. The   Province. AVIC has stated that    officially inducted into the PAF in
        fifth-generation J-20 is being built   the AG600 will receive its Type   March 2022 at Minhas Airbase
        for the People’s Liberation Army Air   Certificate from the Central and   in Kamra. The J-10CE is the
        Force (PLAAF) by Chengdu Aircraft   Southern Regional Administration of   export variant of the J-10C and is
        Industry Group (CAIG) of China.     the Civil Aviation Administration of   powered by a Chinese WS-10B
                                            China by the end of this year.      engine and armed with PL-10E
        He also announced that a next                                           short-range missiles and PL-15E
        generation warplane was expected    Four AG600 prototypes are pres-     long-range missiles. These are
        to make its debut soon. “As the     ently  undertaking airworthiness    the most powerful Chinese air-
        technology of our country’s aviation   flight test missions across China.   to-air weapons available on the
        industry continues to develop, the   While ostensibly developed for     international market. The PL-15E
        next generation will definitely come   civilian use, the AG600 bears more   is Beyond Visual Range (BVR)
        out soon,” CCTV quoted Li, the J-20  than a passing similarity to amphibi-  missile and can be used to engage
        test pilot, as saying. Global Times   ous aircraft developed in Japan and   high-value assets such as aerial-re-
        quoted Fu Qianshao, a Chinese       Russia which are also used for mil-  fueling or early-warning aircraft.
        military aviation expert, who stated   itary purposes. According to AVIC,   The J-10CE is also equipped
        that the upgrades applied to the    the AG600 aircraft family is tailored   with precision weapons, in addi-
        J-20, including aerodynamic design   to carry out rescue missions such   tion to an Active Electronically
        changes and new engines, as well    as firefighting, and maritime search   Scanned Array (AESA) radar.
        as the avionics, radar systems,     and rescue in all types of terrains   Designed and manufactured by
        software and materials.             across China. It also adds that     Aviation Industry Corp of China, the
                                            that the aircraft can be fitted with   J-10CE is an all-weather, multirole,
                                                                                fourth-plus-generation fighter jet..
        Utility Platforms                   equipment and facilities to meet

        China’s Xian Y-20 large transport
        aircraft which was entered ser-
        vice in 2016 is now nearing  the
        10th year mark of operations. The
        aircraft has a take-off weight of 200
        tonnes and made its maiden flight
        in 2013. The aircraft programme
        was managed by Xi’an Aircraft
        Industrial Corporation and formally
        launched in 2006. The Y-20 large
        transport aircraft has been further
        developed into the YU-20 aerial
        tanker, with other potential variants
        to be developed including strategic
        early warning, command and con-
        trol aircraft, long-range electronic

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