Page 19 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 19


                 Vietnam seeks to  diversify its recent arms purchases

                                                     By JAY MENON
        A        s Vietnam seeks to diver-  broader regional trend of diversify-  Partnership.

                                            ing suppliers.
                 sify its arms purchases
                 from traditional suppliers
                                                                                important step forward in
        such as Russia and the U.S., coun-  In November, the United States      “This delivery represents an
        tries like India, Japan and Israel   expanded its defence cooperation   our growing partnership with
        could emerge as potential exporters  with Vietnam with the delivery of   Vietnam,” said U.S. Ambassador
        of defence equipment.               T-6C trainer aircraft.              to Vietnam Marc Knapper. “The
                                                                                T-6C Trainer Aircraft will provide
        From 1995 to 2015, Russia pro-      The handover of five next genera-   valuable support to Vietnam’s
        vided 90 per cent of Vietnam’s      tion American-made T-6C Trainer     pilot training program, reflecting
        arms procurements, but from 2016    Aircraft, one of the biggest arms
        to 2021 Russia’s share dropped      delivery since the war, demon-      our shared vision for a strong,
        to 63 per cent. Vietnam’s desire    strates the U.S. commitment to      prosperous, independent, and
        to deepen strategic relations with   partner with Vietnam as it develops   resilient Vietnam that contributes
        the United States may be encour-    self-reliant defence capabilities   to regional stability and security,”
        aging it to reduce dependence on    in accordance with the U.S. –       Knapper added.
        Russian arms, but it also follows the  Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic
                                                                                In 2021, the Ministry of National

          Vietnamese military and defense officials welcome Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara to Hanoi for meetings
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                    NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024  | 19
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