Page 15 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 15

and have a laser designator-pod on   (20) and Senegal (4).              Pakistan. The latest variant of the
        the centreline. The RMAF is slated                                      aircraft, the JF-17 Block III made
        to take delivery of its first FA-50M in  KAI recently announced it had com-  its international show debut at the
        2026 and will receive a version with   pleted the milestone of “25 years of   Dubai Airshow, last year. The JF-17
        Malaysia specific changes related   accident-free operation” without a   Thunder Block III fighter jet fea-
        to aerial refueling and a wider     single accident in the development,   tures a new and larger holographic
        range of armament. The RMAF         mass production, or test flights of   wide-angle head-up display and
        is expected to place an additional   aircraft since its establishment on   integrated cockpit display similar
        order at later date for 18 more     October 1, 1999. “There were many  to the one used by the J-20,  an
        aircraft, taking the total number of   challenges and difficulties leading to  Active Electronically Scanned Array
        FA-50s in its fleet to 36.          this achievement, but we were able   (AESA) state-of-the-art avionics,
                                            to achieve it with the passion and   enhanced weaponry, and advanced
        The TA-50 Block 2 is being used     effort of all executives and employ-  Electronic Warfare (EW) systems,
        by the ROKAF as an introductory     ees.” He added, “Just as we have    including the addition of a new
        tactical trainer and it can carry pre-  built a record of accident-free   Missile Approach Warning System
        cision-guided weapons, such as the  test flights for the past 25 years,   (MAWS) similar to those fitted on
        Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)   we will continue to do our best to   J-10C, J-16 and J-20 fighter jets.
        which are already carried on the    become a global company that is
        FA-50, in addition to the machine   trusted by our customers by con-
        guns, air-to-air, and  air-to-ground   tinuing our record of accident-free   The JF-17 Block III is in service
        weapons operated by existing        flights,” said KAI President Kang   with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF)
        TA-50 Block 1 aircraft. As per KAI,   Koo-young.  Starting with the KT-1   and has also been exported to
        the updated TA-50 Block 2 will allow   Basic Trainer Aircraft (BTA), KAI   Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijan Air
        pilots to make an easier transition   has gone on to develop the super-  Force inducted the light fighter into
        between the F-35A, F-15K, KF-16     sonic T-50 series, KF-21, rotorcraft   service in September this year.
        fighter currently in operation with   in the Surion and LAH. KAI has    Azerbaijan is the fourth export
        the ROKAF, and the KF-21 fighter    achieved a total of 33,257 hours    customer for the JF-17 with 12
        jet that will enter service in 2026.   of accident-free test flights, includ-  aircraft on order including four twin-
                                            ing 9,571 hours for fixed-wing and   seat trainers. In March, last year,
        Apart from the Malaysian order, KAI   23,685 hours for rotary-wing. KAI   the Argentine Embassy in China
        has exported a total of 68 aircraft   has produced 1,288 aircraft since   said that the country is considering
        to the Southeast Asian market,      inception out of which 225 were     procuring JF-17 aircraft. Older var-
        such as the KT-1, T-50, and FA-50.    exported to nine countries.       iants of the JF-17 are operated by
        Exports of the T-50 series in total                                     Myanmar which ordered 16 aircraft,
        stand at 138 aircraft, including    Capable Joint Fighter               while Nigeria has placed orders
        Malaysia, with Indonesia (22), Iraq                                     for three aircraft, which have been
        (24), Philippines (12), Thailand (14)   The JF-17, also known by the    delivered. The JF-17 has been
        and Poland (48). KAI has exported   Chinese designation FC-1, is a      developed into three generations,
        84 KT-1 basic trainer aircraft to   single-engine multi-role light fighter   referred to as the Block I, the Block
        Indonesia (20), Turkey (40), Peru   jet jointly developed by China and   II and the Block III.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                    NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024  | 15
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