Page 18 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 18

regain lost communication and       environments. Our commitment        a superior drone detection,
        return to the base.”                to R&D in this area ensures that    tracking and neutralization per-
                                            we remain agile and responsive      formance for border and critical
                                            to the evolving needs of modern     infrastructure security with its
        Major Industry Player               warfare.”                           high technology drone detection
        The company is actively involved                                        radar, electro-optic and jammer
        in several key national defence     Growing Footprint                   sub-systems. Our Retinar AESA is
        projects such as unmanned aerial                                        a cutting edge, software defined
        vehicles (UAVs), missile systems,   Over the last few years, the com-   multi-mission radar for anti-
        helicopter projects, surface ships   pany has expanded its global       drone systems, point air defence
        and submarine modernization.        footprint considerably. “Meteksan   weapon systems and surveillance
        “This highlights our commitment     Defence has seen significant suc-
        to enhancing Türkiye’s defence      cess in expanding its international   Currently, Meteksan’s revenue split
        capabilities,” said Akbas. “We pro-  presence. We have established      reflects its strong domestic base,
        vide several products to national   partnerships in various countries
        programs such as Radar Systems,  and are involved in programs           with approximately 70% coming
        Anti-Jamming GNSS units, GNSS       in regions like the Middle East,    from local contracts and 30% from
        Receivers and Antennas, Radar       Southeast Asia, and Europe. Our     international sales. “We aim to
        Altimeters, and Sonar Systems.      collaboration with foreign defence   increase our international revenue
        Meteksan has also been involved     organizations on projects like UAV   to 50% over the next few years.
        in the development of ground        subsystems, USVs, naval training    This goal aligns with our strategy
        surveillance radars, counter drone  simulators and radar systems        to strengthen our global presence
        projects, training simulators and   illustrates our growing footprint   and tap into emerging markets,”
        unmanned surface vessels. These  and commitment to international        said Akbas.
        projects not only showcase our      cooperation in defence. Currently,
        technological prowess but also      more than 20 countries use          Success Story
        align with national priorities for   Meteksan Defence products in the
        security and defence.”              operational field.”                 Meteksan’s growth is part of the
                                                                                bigger success story of the Turkish
        Electronic Warfare                  Learnings from Conflicts            defence industry. Akbas says a
                                                                                number of factors have contributed
        One of the company’s major focus    The ongoing conflicts have          to the remarkable rise.
        areas is electronic warfare tech-   underscored the importance of       “The rapid growth of Türkiye’s
        nologies. Its capabilities include   adaptability and technological     defence sector is indeed a multi-
        sophisticated electronic attack     superiority in modern warfare, says   faceted success story,” he said.
        systems and navigational electronic   Akbas. “We’ve learned that rapid   “Government policies have played
        warfare systems that are designed   responses to emerging threats       a crucial role, particularly through
        to ensure operational superiority.  like mini/micro-UAVs (drones)       increased investment in domes-
                                            and the integration of advanced
        “Meteksan Defence recently          technologies are vital. This has    tic capabilities and an emphasis
        completed development of MERT       influenced our product manage-      on self-sufficiency. Additionally,
        and MERTER Electronic Attack        ment priorities, encouraging us     we have a highly skilled work-
        Systems; these were successfully    to focus on agile systems that      force and a robust educational
        delivered in 2024,” said Akbas.     can be quickly deployed and         framework that supports con-
        “These modern EW systems are        integrated into existing platforms,   tinuous talent development.
        used for jamming the target com-    ensuring that we remain relevant    The Turkish defence industry is
        munication systems from long        in a rapidly changing landscape.    mainly oriented toward export
        distances by using new genera-      We are especially focused on        as these export activities and
        tion electronic attack techniques.   counter drone systems like         success stories contribute to the
        Additionally, we are planning to    KAPAN and recently completed a      competitiveness of the compa-
        deliver SEYMEN Navigational         new Retinar AESA Multi-Mission      nies in the international market.
        Electronic Warfare System to one    Radar.”                             Türkiye has become a signifi-
        of our customers in 2025; this is                                       cant defence exporter, especially
        one of most critical projects of    The company is confident about      for the unmanned aerial vehi-
        the company. We have developed      KAPAN’s export potential. “KAPAN    cles, land vehicles and surface
        systems that enhance situational    is one of the preferred counter     ship programs. Together, these
        awareness and improve our           drone systems of Turkish Armed      elements create a dynamic envi-
        forces’ survivability in complex    Forces,” says Akbas. “It offers     ronment conducive to growth and
        18 |   NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/ADT
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