Page 12 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 12

uncrewed vehicles working in        zero-emission USV designed for      China Makes a Move
        tandem with manned ships.           hydrographic surveying and coastal
                                            surveillance, which can also be     The urgency shown by the U.S.
                                            customised for logistics and kami-  and its allies in the Asia Pacific to
        Going Local                         kaze missions. Sagar Defence        acquire unmanned naval assets is
        The Indian Navy is currently con-   Engineering, a private company,     in the wake of the massive strides
                                                                                China has made in the field. At the
        ducting trials of its first indigenously   has developed an USV that earlier   World Defence Show Exhibition in
        developed multirole USV for sur-    this year completed a 1,500-km      Riyadh earlier this year, China State
        veillance and minesweeping. The     trip from Mumbai to Thoothukudi,    Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)
        companies involved in the pro-      with support from the Indian        revealed Thunderer A2000, a new
        ject are Weapon and Electronic      Navy. Dronobotics’ Jalchar USV      medium-sized combat unmanned
        Systems Engineering Establishment   is designed for disaster manage-    surface vessel (USV) that is cur-
        (WESEE), Bharat Electronic Ltd      ment, scientific research, as well as   rently under development. With
        (BEL), and Goa Shipyard Ltd         search-and-rescue missions.         a displacement of 280 tonnes,
        (GSL).  The USV is 15 meters long                                       a length of 45 meters, and a top
        and has a maximum speed of more                                         speed of 35 knots, the Thunderer
        than 30 knots. The service also     In March this year, ST Engineering   A2000 is powered by twin diesel
        wants to introduce USV swarms       Marine cut steel on Singapore’s     engines and two CPP propellers.
        against adversaries and asked       first of six future class of Multirole   The trimaran hull design ensures
        Sagar Defence Engineering to        Combat Vessels (MRCV) vessels.      low radar cross-section and stealth.
        demonstrate a weaponised 12-boat    The vessels will host, launch and
        swarm. Another USV that will be     recover ST Engineering’s Venus
        inducted soon is the Brainbox       family of USVs, both in their mine   In yet another clear signal to its
        Smart Ship Operations (SSO),        warfare and maritime security       adversaries, China unveiled a
        which has been jointly developed    variants, and also accommodate a    large USV at the Airshow China
        by Tardid and Accurate Industrial   number of unmanned aerial vehi-     2024 exhibition, which took place
        Controls. The Brainbox USV, which   cles (UAV). The introduction of the   in Zhuhai in November this year.
        can travel at a speed of 12 n mile/h,   MRCVs will enable the Republic   The Jari-USV-A large unmanned
        has a payload capacity of 200 kg,   of Singapore Navy (RSN) to test     combat vessel, or Orca, replaces
        length of about 8 m, and endurance   the possibilities of the manned-un-  500 tonnes, according to a state-
        of more than 12 hours.              manned teaming (MUM-T) concept      ment by China’s Ministry of National
                                            that is catching on among militaries.   Defense (MND). The USV, which
        Following successful acceptance
        trials in October this year, Garden
        Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
        (GRSE) has delivered the Jaldoot
        USV to India’s Defence Research
        and Development Organisation’s
        (DRDO) Naval Science and
        Technological Laboratory (NSTL)
        in Visakhapatnam. The naval
        drone, which has been jointly
        designed and developed by GRSE
        and NSTL/DRDO, is designed for
        various missions, including sur-
        veillance, reconnaissance, and
        maritime security. According to
        sources, the USV is able to track
        unmanned underwater vehicles
        (UUVs) through its acoustic posi-
        tioning system.

        Jaldoot is just one of the many
        USVs that India’s indigenous
        defence industry has designed
        and developed. Bharat Electronics
        Limited (BEL) has to its credit a
        12 |   NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/ADT
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