Page 15 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 2 Online Magazine
P. 15

HR-SHERPA BEING                                                               time to determine attack remotely. This
                                                                                      helps in carrying out remote attacks and
        SHOWCASED AT ADEX                                                             self defence tasks. The vehicle also has
                                                                                      subordination driving capability, which
                                                                                      allows it to follow the soldier in front of
                                                                                      the vehicle automatically. Its autono-
                                                                                      mous driving function allows it to make
                                                                                      self-searches for designated routes for

                                                                                      To ensure stable operation of unmanned
                                                                                      vehicles, The company has developed a
                                                                                      technology to recognize the surround-
                                                                                      ing environment that makes use of the
                                                                                      LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and
                                                                                      video device sensor as well as artificial
                                                                                      intelligence that allow a vehicle to make
                                                                                      self-recognitions of things and possible
                                                                                      areas for driving. The company is confi-
                                                                                      dent of using such technologies in vehicle
                                                                                      for the private sector as well.

                                                                                      Earlier his year, Hyundai Rotem supplied
                                                                                      2 HR-Sherpa-improved multi-purpose
                                                                                      unmanned vehicles to the Republic of
                                                                                      Korea Army (ROKA), after successfully
        Hyundai Rotem is highlighting the  The six-wheel drive vehicle can move       proving their capabilities. According
        capabilities of HR-Sherpa, its original  autonomously or via remote control to   to the company, the vehicle met all 25
        multi-purpose unmanned vehicle, at  perform missions such as surveillance,    required function evaluation items includ-
        ADEX. The vehicle is designed to support  medical support and chemical detec-  ing maximum speed, going up the mount
        infantry troops.                       tion. It has a payload of 600 kilograms   function (ability to drive on hill), and range.
                                               and a combat weight of 1,800 kilograms.   The major updates for the military ver-
        The first concept model of HR-Sherpa,  HR-Sherpa is equipped with airless tires   sion of the vehicle involve the upgraded
        an electricity-driven multi-purpose  and powered by a battery with an oper-   autonomous driving sensor to reinforce
        unmanned vehicle developed both  ating time of six hours when traveling at    functions required for military operations.
        for military and private purposes, was  5 kph.                                The development of HR-Sherpa is part
        unveiled at the ‘2018 Robotworld’ exhi-                                       of Hyundai Rotem’s focus on advanced
        bition. Since then, the company has  HR-Sherpa, which is capable of turning   technologies such as remote-controlled
        succeeded in developing the technol-   on its axis, can be loaded with a remote   weapon systems and active protection
        ogy and has successfully demonstrated  armed device, RCWS (Remote Controlled   systems, taking into view the changes
        security reconnaissance and unmanned  Weapon Station). The remote armed       that are changing in the battle landscape.
        operation capacities.                  device sends surveillance footage in real   The company is contracted to supply
                                                                                      combat engineering vehicles by 2023 to
                                                                                      the South Korean military.

                                                                                      Wheeled Armored Vehicles: The com-
                                                                                      pany’s 6x6 and 8x8 wheeled armored
                                                                                      vehicles (WAV) have been successfully
                                                                                      deployed for the ROKA since 2017; it is
                                                                                      also scheduled to deliver the third batch
                                                                                      of K806 and K808 WAVs. The WAVs,
                                                                                      which have an all-welded steel armor
                                                                                      hull and provide protection against small
                                                                                      arms fire and artillery shell splinters, are
                                                                                      expected to replace the service’s aging
                                                                                      series of tracked armored personnel car-
                                                                                      The K806 model of WAV, which are
                                                                                      armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun and
                                                                                      fitted with a central tire inflation system
                                                                                      and run-flat tires, are primarily for  the
                                                                                      protection of convoys. The vehicle can
                                                                                      move at a maximum speed of up to 100
                                                                                      kilometers per hour with up to nine ful-
                                                                                      ly-armed soldiers aboard.

        SEOUL ADEX - INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE & DEFENSE EXHIBITION 2021                                    OCTOBER 20, 2021 | 15
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