Page 10 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 2 Online Magazine
P. 10

the Indo-Pacific region. Some of the air-  designed to refuel the Hungarian JAS 39
         ...Cont’d from page 9                 craft’s strengths are its unrivalled mobility  Gripen, as well as other aircraft using the
                                               and operational flexibility in a single plat-  same technology.
                                                                                      Please elaborate on the mis-
                                               The aircraft is capable of transporting   sions systems, avionics and role
                                                                                      equipment available with the
         UNRIVALLED                            and launching cargo and troops and per-  C-390?
                                               forming a wide array of missions: medical
                                                                                      The C-390 flight deck is equipped with a
         CAPABILITY                            evacuation, search and rescue, humani-  state-of-the-art human machine interface
                                               tarian search and rescue, humanitarian
                                               aerial refueling (fighters and helicopters),   that reduces crew workload and provides
                                               aerial firefighting and assistance.    enhanced situational awareness. The
                                                                                      modern integrated avionics system, open
                                               The -390 Millennium provides air forces   architecture,  and  full  fly-by-wire  flight
                                               with optimal fleet performance gener-  controls will ensure the C-390 maintains
                                               ated by a cost-effective combination of   enduring operational effectiveness for
                                               high availability and productivity as it flies   decades to come.
                                               faster and carries more cargo than other   The advanced mission software provides
                                               military airlifters of the same size. The air-  the crew seamless and total control
                                               craft features a robust design, flexibility,   over the mission. The crew can exploit
                                               proven state-of-the-art installed technol-  the electro-optical infrared surveillance
                                               ogies and easier maintenance.
        joint operational exercise with the U.S.                                      sensor, the mission tactical radar, secure
        Air Force, one of FAB’s KC-390 aircraft  Please tell us about the orders      voice and data communications, and
        dropped paratroopers in joint flights with  from the Portuguese Air Force     self-protection systems. Precise naviga-
        USAF C-17 and C-130 aircraft during  and the Hungarian Defence                tion is achieved through redundant inertial
        Operation  Culminating,  in  Alexandria,  Force?                              GPS and military FMS. This delivers an air
        Louisiana, USA.                        The Hungarian Defence Force and the    release point with exceptional precision
                                                                                      and enhances overall mission effective-
                                               Portuguese Armed Forces have signed
        What makes it ideally suited for       for the C-390 Millennium’s multi-mission   ness.
        potential operators in the Indo-       aircraft with air-to-air refueling (AAR)  The C-390 is designed to survive in
        Pacific region?                        configuration,  the  KC-390.  Both  the  hostile environments and can be con-
        The versatility of the C-390 Millennium  Portuguese and Hungarian KC-390 air-  figured with armour protection against
        makes it highly capable to operate in the  craft will be fully NATO compatible, not  7.62 mm or 12.7 mm (0.50”) ammunition
        Indo-Pacific region. The aircraft is the  only in terms of hardware, but also in  threats. To further improve aircraft sur-
        most modern in its class, encompass-   terms of avionics and communications  vivability, Embraer has developed an
        ing full “fly-by-wire” technology, carrying  configuration. Deliveries to both air forces  optional advanced self-protection system
        up to 26 metric tons of cargo at a max-  are due to start in 2023. The KC-390 air-  that includes Radar Warning Receiver,
        imum speed of 470 knots (870 km/h).  craft for the Hungarian Defence Force  Missile Approach Warning System,
        It can operate in austere environments,  will  be  the  first  in  the  world  featuring  Laser Warning System, Chaff and Flare
        including maximum effort operations to  an Intensive Care Unit configuration, an  dispensers, Directional Infrared Counter
        and from unpaved or damaged runways,  essential feature for performing human-  Measures System and an On-board Inert
        which is critical for the diverse terrains of  itarian  missions.  The  aircraft  are  also  Gas Generation System (OBBIGS).


        Raytheon Technologies, which has a siz-  ties and is designed to support operations
        able foothold in the Korean aerospace  during both peace and wartime. Collins
        and defense market, is showcasing its  Aerospace’s Tactical Synthetic Aperture
        counter-UAS capabilities and as well as  Radar (TACSAR), built in partnership with
        technologies such as ISTAR at the ongo-  Leonardo, provides commanders with
        ing ADEX 2021. On Display are Raytheon  fast jet all-weather ISR capability.
        Missiles & Defense’s counter-UAS capa-   The  company  is  also  offering  the
        bilities, including Coyote and Ku-band  MS-110 multispectral airborne reconnais-
        Radio  Frequency  System (KurFS),  as  sance system for the Republic of Korea
        well as strike weapons such as the  Air Force’s (ROKAF) F-16s and other fast
        Joint Strike Missile and StormBreaker  jets, as well as the Joint Moving Target
        smart weapon. Raytheon Intelligence &  Surveillance  and  Command  Aircraft
        Space’s Intelligence Surveillance Target  programme. At the event, Collins will
        Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)  emphasize measures to connect the bat-
        solution acts as an information hub for  tlespace, including the integration of the
        both friendly and hostile ground activi-  SATURN waveform.

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