Page 13 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 2 Online Magazine
P. 13
BMI, a South Korean company that man-
ufactures helmets and other protection
items for the military and the police, is
currently working on the development
of the S-series bullet proof helmet, in
association with partner company DSM.
The helmet is to be launched in 2023.
The company, formerly known as ERE,
released the E-FUL helmet for special
mission users in 2020, said Sim Jeong-
Hoon, company CEO. The special forces
in South Korea use the F-series helmet
while the Malaysian Special Forces have
purchased the E-SEL helmet. In 2018, the
company supplied camouflage clothes to
the ROK army and have so far provided
eight million sets of body armor to the
ROK Army. The company also markets
gloves and pouches.
products,” said Jeong-Hoon. “We have LIG NEX1 EXHIBITS
“We have seen great demand for our
been successful in delivering our prod- 200KG CARGO
ucts to Singapore and Malaysia and are
is in demand is the lightweight bullet DRONE, KPS AT ADEX
looking to expand our global footprint.”
Another of the company’s products that
proof plate. Earlier this year, the com-
pany unveiled two types of bullet proof LIG Nex1’s hydrogen drone, which can launched in 2027, with a trial service in
plates. While Type 1 weights less than carry 200 kilograms of cargo, is turn- 2034 to be followed by a full-fledged one
1.2 kg and can protect a person from the ing heads at ADEX 2021. The company the following year.
threat of 7.62 mm AK47 bullets, Type 2 was selected by the Ministry of Trade,
weights less than 1.6 kg and offers pro- Industry and Energy to carry out the
tection from 5.56 mm S109 bullets. The 44-billion-won (US $38.8 million) national The company has a wide range of products
lightweight bullet proof plates will help project for the development of autono- that include precision guided munitions
personnel be more mobile, thus ensuring mous cargo drones powered by hydrogen such as the Mid-range Surface-to-Air
a better combat performance. fuel cells. The development is expected Missile (M-SAM) that intercept medi-
to be completed by 2025 and the drone um-altitude aerial threats, the Mid-range
will be used by the military for transpor- Surface-to-Air Missile block-II(M-SAM
tation. The company also plans to use a II), an improved version of M-SAM with
version of the drone for urban air mobility upgraded engagement and anti-ballistic
operations. capabilities, short-range surface-to-air
missile to intercept enemy aircraft and
LIG Nex1 is also exhibiting a model of the helicopters, portable surface-to-air mis-
Korea Positioning System (KPS), which sile to defend major field forces and
is a joint effort by a group of companies military facilities against enemy aircraft
and the government to build the country’s and helicopters attacking from the air.
own satellite navigation system by 2035. The Korean GPS Guided Bomb (KGGB)
The project is expected to cost about is a medium-range air-to surface guided
US$3.3 billion. If the project is approved weapon with extended range and accu-
by the National Assembly, work will com- racy with GPS guidance kit mounted on a
mence on launching eight new satellites, conventional general-purpose bomb. The
three into geosynchronous orbit and five company also has been making roads into
into inclined geosynchronous orbit. The the market in terms of avionics, electronic
first satellite for KPS is scheduled to be warfare, and unmanned systems.