Page 12 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 2 Online Magazine
P. 12

SAUDI ARABIA, SKOREA DISCUSS                                                  Meanwhile, South Korea’s Vice Defense
                                                                                      Minister Park Jae-min and the chief of
        DEFENCE COOPERATION                                                           the General Staff of Saudi Arabia’s armed
                                                                                      forces Fayyadh bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili also
        Saudi Arabia and South Korea are explor-  ‘Flourishing Opportunities in Saudi   discussed defence cooperation.
        ing opportunities to strengthen bilateral  Arabia’s Defense Sector’.
        cooperation in the defence sector.                                            Saudi  Arabia’s attendance at Seoul ADEX
                                               GAMI’s Governor Ahmad Al-Ohali, said:   follows the recent unveiling by GAMI of
        The General Authority of Military      “WE ARE EXCITED TO MEET                the Kingdom’s new supply chain initia-
        Industries (GAMI), Saudi Arabia’s defence   WITH OUR KOREAN BUSINESS          tive. The initiative identified 74 targeted
        industry regulator, enabler, and licensor,                                    localization opportunities worth billions
        hosted a workshop with Korean investors  PARTNERS AS WE EXPLORE               of dollars to the defense sector. The
        on the sidelines of the ongoing ADEX.  THE HUGE INVESTMENT                    investment targets are open to local and
        Representatives from GAMI, Saudi       OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN                   international companies via the Military
        Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) and   SAUDI ARABIA’S EXPANDING             Industry Marketplace (MIM), a digital plat-
        the Ministry of Investment Saudi Arabia                                       form offering investors easy access to
        (MISA) attended the workshop titled  DEFENCE INDUSTRY.”                       localization opportunities and partners.

        HANWHA                                 developed satellite launch vehicle. The  The surveillance satellites are essentially
                                               three-stage liquid fuel rocket, also known  to monitor North Korea. The successful
        SHOWCASES                              as the Korean Satellite Launch Vehicle  launch of the satellite launch vehicle will
                                               II, will be test launched this week, with  provide a fillip to South Korea’s plans to
        LIQUID ROCKET                          additional launches planned in the coming  eventually build a Korean satellite-based
        ENGINE                                 years.                                 navigation system and a 6G communica-
                                                                                      tions network.
                                               Apart from the liquid rocket engine,
        A 75-tonne liquid rocket engine is among  Hanwha Aerospace’s solid fuel space
        the exhibits at Hanwha’s exhibition hall  launch  vehicle  as  well  as  Hanwha
        at the ongoing show, along with a range  Systems’ low-orbit satellite communi-
        of products from the company’s space  cation service system are on display.
        business. Hanwha is the biggest defence  Hanwha Aerospace has played a key
        company in South Korea and is the major  role in the development of Nuri, having
        private player in the country’s efforts to  been involved in the construction of
        boost its space capabilities. The 75-tonne  engines, turbopumps, and test facilities.
        liquid rocket engine is at the heart of  Nuri is central to South Korea’s plans to
        Nuri,  South  Korea’s  first  domestically  launch surveillance satellites into orbit.


        MEDIUM TACTICAL VEHICLE                                                       standard 2.5- and 5-tonne tactical trucks,

        Kia is highlighting the capabilities of its  apply technology and know-how from   Kia and the Korean Army will jointly invest
                                                                                      in developing 5-tonne armored vehicle.
        all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and medium tacti-  military vehicle development to improve   The company, which plans to supply the
        cal vehicle (MTV) at ADEX even as it gets  the durability of its road-going SUVs. The   new tactical vehicles to the military from
        ready to build new military vehicles for the  MTV cargo truck has a length of 7,995   2024, is developing autonomous driving
        Korean Army. The newly developed ATV  mm, width of 2,400 mm, height of 3,125   technology for military vehicles as part of
        is not intended for use solely for military  mm, and a wheelbase of 4,525 mm. It can   its attempt to gain a larger share of the
        purposes. According to the company,  carry a maximum weight of 2300 kg and    defence market.  The South Korean com-
        the vehicle, which is built up from a bare  has a top speed of 105 kilometers per   pany introduced a close-to-production
        chassis of the Kia Mohave SUV, will be  hour.                                 concept called Light Tactical Cargo Truck
        used in various fields such as industrial                                     (LTCT) that previews the next off-roader
        and leisure sectors. The company will  As part of a plan to replace the existing   it will manufacture for the global military
                                                                                      vehicle market. Earlier this year, Kia, who
                                                                                      has been making light tactical vehicles for
                                                                                      the South Korean army since 2016, show-
                                                                                      cased the concept of its Light Tactical
                                                                                      Cargo Truck (LTCT) that is capable of
                                                                                      fitting four passengers inside its aircon-
                                                                                      ditioned cabin. The rear-mounted box
                                                                                      can carry 10 fully armed soldiers and a
                                                                                      maximum of 6,600 pounds of cargo. The
                                                                                      vehicle has a top speed of 80 mph, about
                                                                                      16 inches of ground clearance, and can
                                                                                      drive through up to 30 inches of water.

        12 | OCTOBER 20, 2021                                                        WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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