Page 6 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 2 Online Magazine
P. 6

COLLINS AEROSPACE SEEKS                                                       cation of an open systems architecture
                                                                                      design. This allows for older fleets like
        GROWTH IN SOUTH KOREA                                                         those operated by the Republic of Korea
                                                                                      to remain relevant and increase their
                                                                                      survivability.The company’s MS-110 multi-
                                               and systems including, but not limited to,
                                               communications and navigation systems,   spectral airborne reconnaissance system
                                               environmental control and air manage-  which provides jet fighters with long range,
                                               ment systems,” Tony Chun (Senior       wide area day and night reconnaissance
                                               Business Development Manager, Mission   is being offering for use on local F-16s
                                               Systems, Collins Aerospace) told Daily   and other fast jets. The company is also
                                               News. Collins Aerospace supplies sev-  the exclusive rescue hoist supplier for the
                                               eral systems and is working with KAES   KUH and its hoists are installed on other
                                               Hanwha to design, develop and produce   platforms like the UH-60 and CH-47.
                                               the KF-21’s main electric power genera-
                                               tion system which will also include Collins’   AIRBORN
                                               more electric variable speed constant fre-  HIGHLIGHTS
                                               quency (VSCF) generator, being used for
                                               the first time on a fighter class aircraft.   FIRST SPACE-
                                               It is also supplying the KF-21’s complete
                                               Environmental Control System (ECS)      RATED ACTIVE
                                               for the fighter jet under a contract from   OPTICAL CABLE
                                               Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). Collins
                                               Aerospace also supplies the essential
                                               navigation instruments and communica-
        Collins Aerospace, which is part of    tion devices, as well as weather radars
        Raytheon Technologies, along with Pratt   for the KUH and LAH.
        & Whitney, Raytheon Intelligence, Space   Collins Aerospace is showcasing its
        and Raytheon Missiles & Defence is     TruNet Networked Communications
        seeking to further grow its market pres-  Solution Family at the show, which is the
        ence in South Korea, further building on   first software defined network communi-
        its longstanding presence in the coun-  cations solution – including ground and
        try  spanning over two decades. Collins   airborne radios, advanced networking
        Aerospace  established  its  offices  in   waveforms, apps, ancillaries and ser-
        South Korea in 2001 and is currently a   vices – to ensure secure connectivity   Eager to expand its growing footprint,
        major supplier of hardware and software   between ground and airborne elements.   U.S.-based AirBorn is showcasing its
        solutions for the major aerospace and   “Transitioning from the current waveform   range of specialized connectors and
        defence industries here. The company   in-use (HAVEQUICK) to the more modern   electronic components for OEMs in
        has built strong and lasting relation-  SATURN enables more secure and reli-   the field of Military/Defense, space and
        ships with customers including Korea   able communications when Republic of    commercial aerospace. Among the prod-
        Aerospace Industries (KAI), Korea      Korea Forces are operating with joint or   ucts being highlighted is SAOC, the first
        Airports Corporation (KAC), national car-  coalition forces, no matter their mission,   space-rated active optical cable that
        riers and international airports.      location or platform,” Chun says. The   the company claims has the capability
                                               Collins Aerospace Common Avionics       to disrupt traditional space electronics
        “We have been supporting the local indig-  Architecture System (CAAS) integrates   systems. Faster than cooper, the cable,
        enous aircraft programs including the  multiple communications, navigation, and   which was a culmination of five years of
        T-50, KUH, KF-21 and LAH for equipment  mission subsystems through the appli-  development and testing, was introduced
                                                                                       in 2019 and offers increased data rates
                                                                                       and signal distance. Another advantage
                                                                                       of the SAOC is that it reduces weight and
                                                                                       space needed for cable bundles com-
                                                                                       pared to traditional copper cables, thus
                                                                                       significantly decreasing launch weight.
                                                                                       The technology behind the SAOC has
                                                                                       been adapted into a ruggedized version
                                                                                       for military and commercial aerospace
                                                                                       applications. The Rugged AOC (RAOC)
                                                                                       allows OEMs to develop high-speed
                                                                                       applications without needing to design
                                                                                       in ruggedized fiber optical transceivers.
                                                                                       The RAOC enables engineers to combine
                                                                                       cable assemblies into a single fiber optic
                                                                                       cable, cutting weight and installation time.
                                                                                       The technology can also be added to any
                                                                                       existing AirBorn connector.

        6 | OCTOBER 20, 2021                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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