Page 3 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 3 Online Magazine
P. 3

KOREAN AIR                             but we would like to seek export oppor-
                                               tunities as well,” said Cha Yonghwan,
        UNVEILS                                Deputy General Manager of the compa-
                                               ny’s   UAS Business development team.
        KUS-VS                                 New Hybrid Drone: The company has also
                                               recently introduced into the market an
        DRONE                                  updated version of its long endurance,
                                               hybrid propulsion drone. Designed for ISR
        PROTOTYPE                              and target acquisition, it can be used for
                                               a range of activities including forest fires
                                               monitoring, facility safety inspections and
        Korean Air, currently in the process of   parcel delivery.  The UAV has a maximum
        developing a VTOL Surveillance UAV     endurance of two hours and has received   SAME LEVELS OF ENDURANCE.
        System, is showcasing the protype of the   the ultra-light vehicle safety certificate   WE ARE ALSO INTERESTED
        drone at the ongoing ADEX.             from KAIST.
                                                                                      IN HAVING INTERNATIONAL
        KUS-VS, or Korean Air UAV System –                                            CUSTOMERS AND WILL
        VTOL Surveillance, is designed to be used   “WE HAVE SUPPLIED THE
        for tactical surveillance, reconnaissance,  SYSTEM TO THE KOREAN              PROMOTE THE SYSTEM IN
        target acquisition and firepower guidance   NAVY, THE AIR FORCE AND           OTHER REGIONS. RIGHT NOW,
        for divisions of the ROK Army and Marine   911,” said Dongju Kim, UAV Sales   WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF
        Corps. It would have automatic vertical   Team manager.                       BUILDING A BIGGER HYBRID
        takeoff and landing capability and a max-
        imum speed of 160 km/h, a cruise speed   “ONE THING THAT MAKES                DRONE THAT WILL BE CAPABLE
        of 120 km/h, a range of 80 km and a max- THE UAV STAND OUT FROM               OF CARRYING HEAVIER
        imum endurance of five hours.          THE COMPETITION IS ITS                 PAYLOADS. WE ALSO HAVE
        A single system would include four UAVs,   ENDURANCE. OTHER DRONES            PLANS TO USE HYDROGEN
        a ground control system as well as a
        ground support system. “We are devel-  OF THE SAME SIZE DO NOT                FUEL CELLS TO  POWER THE
        oping it to serve the needs of our military,  HAVE ANYWHERE NEAR THE          UAV.”

                                                                                      telecommunication system such as fiber
                                                                                      optic routers. The company is also set to
                                                                                      sign an agreement with Latecoere at the
                                                                                      show to set up a joint venture project in
                                                                                      South Korea to promote the use of LiFi
                                                                                      for the country’s military needs.
                                                                                      “The JV will be signed during the show,”
                                                                                      said Sue Kim, Contract Management
                                                                                      Team Lead of the company. “We are
                                                                                      working on the final details of a contact
                                                                                      and hope to set up the JV next year.”
                                                                                      We are currently in discussions with the
                                                                                      Korean military on the possible use of LiFi
                                                                                      in operations,” added Kim. “We believe
                                                                                      that  the  technology  has  many  advan-
                                                                                      tages over WiFI that uses radio waves.
                                                                                      With LiFI, we are replacing radio waves
                                                                                      with light and doing away with a lot of
                                                                                      cables and other equipment. We have
                                                                                      proved that LiFI can be used effectively
                                                                                      for land, sea, air and space domains.”
                                                                                      Once implemented inside airline cabins,
        HUNEED TECHNOLOGIES TO                                                        LiFi will provide greater onboard connec-
                                                                                      tivity experience in terms of bandwidth,
        SIGN LIFI JV WITH LATECOERE                                                   latency, and stability. A major advantage
                                                                                      is that the technology does not provide
                                                                                      any interference with an airline’s sensi-
        Huneed Technologies, Korean aerospace  ment and aerospace, has teamed up with  tive equipment, thus making flights safer.
        and defence parts manufacturer, is show-  Latecoere, a French airplane parts man-  Installation of LiFi systems on aircraft will
        casing its expertise in Light Fidelity (LiFi)  ufacturer, and Signify, the world’s leading  also help it reduce cabling. Infrastructure
        wireless communication technology at  lighting firm, to popularize the use of LiFi  upgrades to accommodate LiFi onboard
        the ongoing ADEX.                      technology. As part of the agreement,  the aircraft to low-weight fiber optic solu-
        The company, a leading player in the  Huneed will be in charge of manufac-    tions can help reduce weight and fuel
        field of tactical communications equip-  turing core equipment of the LiFi-based  consumption of the plane as well.

        SEOUL ADEX - INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE & DEFENSE EXHIBITION 2021                                    OCTOBER 21, 2021 | 3
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