Page 4 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 3 Online Magazine
P. 4





                                                                                            AT ADEX

                                                                                       LIG Nex 1 is showcasing the concept for
                                                                                       its low altitude missile defence system
                                                                                       (LAMD) at the ongoing ADEX 2021.
                                                                                       The system, if selected by the govern-
                                                                                       ment, will be used to counter potential
                                                                                       240 mm or 300 mm artillery attack from
                                                                                       North Korea.

                                                                                       “The EMD phase of the program has
                                                                                       not been initiated yet,” said Yu Taisun,
                                                                                       Chief manager of LIG Nex 1’s global
       HANWHA DEFENCE                                                                  business. “We are expecting it to be initi-
                                                                                       ated next year. The Agency for Defence
                                                                                       Development (ADD) will provide the
       TARGETS HYBRID-                                                                 program  requirements  and  we  will  be
                                                                                       competing with other South Korean
                                                                                       defence companies for the contract. The
       ELECTRIC TRACKED                                                                completion date is expected to be 2029.”
                                                                                       An effective counter-artillery system has
       VEHICLE FUTURE                                                                  for years been on South Korea’s wish list.
                                                                                       “North Korea has huge artillery power and
                                                                                       until now, the Korean government has
                                                                                       not had effective counter measures to
       Hanwha Defence’s hybrid electro-me-    SUCH AS SILENT MOBILITY TO               engage the artillery threats,” said Taisun.
       chanical transmission (EMT) technology   ESCAPE ENEMY DETECTION,
       is expected to be operational by the   INCREASED FUEL EFFICIENCY,                “THIS IS THE WEAPON SYSTEM
       mid-2030s, when the Republic of Korea                                           THAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS TO
       (RoK) armed forces will operate different   AND FLEXIBLE FUNCTIONAL             COUNTER NORTH KOREA.”
       types of South Korean tracked combat   MODES.”
       vehicles, including a 25-ton unmanned
       combat vehicle and a next-generation   The Korean firm has won a state project   Taisun is cautiously optimistic about his
       tracked infantry fighting vehicle fitted with   to develop a hybrid electro-mechan-  company’s chances of landing the con-
       hybrid EMT solutions. The future trans-  ical transmission system over the next   tract. “LIGNex 1 has been the leading
       mission option for manned and unmanned   decade to be fitted into futuristic tracked   company in the precision guided muni-
       tracked combat vehicles, featuring state-  armored vehicles.                    tion (GM) business area, and I hope this
       of-the-art hybrid electro-mechanical                                            weapon system will be one of them as
       transmission  (EMT)  technology  is  on                                         well. The configuration, the concept of
       display at the show.                   Hanwha Defence is scheduled to develop   operation and detailed project specifica-
                                              core technologies of the Hybrid EMT      tions have not been decided yet.”
       “A HYBRID ELECTRIC                     by 2025 as per the plans of the South
       POWERTRAIN IS A KEY                    Korean government project. It will sub-
                                              sequently develop the EMT system over
       REQUIREMENT FOR FUTURE                 the next five years, in technical cooper-
       COMBAT VEHICLES,” said Jeff            ation with Austria’s AVL, specialized for
       Sung, Spokesman for Hanwha Defence,    the development, simulation and testing
       tells Daily News.                      of powertrain systems.  Hanwha Defence
       “ENSURING A STABLE POWER               has produced and delivered over 8,500
       SUPPLY, ELECTRIFIED VEHICLES           cutting-edge combat vehicles to South
                                              Korea and numerous countries, includ-
       ARE TO PROVIDE AMPLE                   ing Malaysia, Norway, Finland, Estonia,
       BENEFITS IN THE BATTLEFIELDS           Poland, Turkey and India.

        4 | OCTOBER 21, 2021                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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