Page 7 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 3 Online Magazine
P. 7


                                                                                        HOPES FOR

                                                                                        BLACK SWAN

                                                                                        Korea Aviation Technologies (KAT) has
                                                                                        unveiled the prototype of KAT-20 Black
                                                                                        Swan, an e-VTOL Fixed Wing Unmanned
                                                                                        Aerial Vehicle, at ADEX 2021. The UAV
                                                                                        offers high operational capabilities with
                                                                                        extended endurance for surveillance and
                                                                                        reconnaissance, Chi Hoon Ahn, Engineer
                                                                                        at KAT’s Research and Development
                                                                                        Center, told Daily News.
                                                                                        “WE HAVE BEEN WORKING
                                                                                        ON THE PROTOTYPE FOR A
                                                                                        YEAR AND WE ARE EXCITED
                                                                                        WITH THE RESULTS DURING
                                                                                        THE TESTING PHASE. WE HOPE
                                                                                        TO BE ABLE TO DELIVER IT TO
                                                                                        THE SOUTH KOREAN MILITARY
        POONGSAN                                                                        ONCE WE START PRODUCTION
                                                                                        IN A YEAR.”
        DEVELOPING GLIDING                                                              The UAV has a maximum take off weight

                                                                                        of 15 kg and is designed to be capable
        GUIDED NAVAL                                                                    of carrying a payload of 2.5 kg. It has a
                                                                                        maximum endurance of two hours and
        MUNITION, EXTENDED                                                              can reach speeds of up to 100 km/hour.
                                                                                        “We are planning to export the Blackswan
        RANGE AMMUNITION                                                                in the future and are optimistic about find-
                                                                                        ing buyers,” added Ahn. “The UAV can
                                                                                        carry more pay more payloads and has
                                                                                        more endurance than its competitors in
        Poongsan, South Korean maker of a wide  “THESE ATTACK DRONES ARE                the market.” Some of the components of
        range of military-purpose ammunition, is   CAPABLE OF DOING PLENTY              the UAV have been produced by Hankuk
        currently working on developing a glid-                                         Carbon, the parent company of KAT
        ing guided naval munition (GGNM) that is   OF DAMAGE,” said Dong Won            that specializes in manufacturing com-
        designed to help enhance the long-range   Lee, Senior Manager at the company‘s   posite materials and parts. Apart from
        precision attack capability of navies.  Defence Products Exports team.          Blackswan, KAT also manufactures other
                                               “IT TAKES AN INFANTRYMAN                 UAVs, including a 24-hour surveillance
        The GGNM, once developed, is expected  ONLY THREE MINUTES TO                    and reconnaissance wired drone and a
        to be extensively used in counterfire mis-  SET UP THE PCD. THE DRONE           drone for carrying cargo.
        sions and landing operations  Once fired   COMES BACK AFTER THE
        from a naval gun, the munition will glide
        and then attack targets within 100 km.  MISSION IS COMPLETED.
                                               WE EXPECT TO DELIVER THE
        Among the company’s other products     ATTACK DRONES TO THE
        at the show that are either under devel-  SOUTH KOREAN MILITARY
        opment or newly introduced into the
        market are the Personal Combat Drone  AND WILL ALSO SEEK
        (PCD), the Poongsan Attack Drone with  INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS.”
        Aerial ammunition (PAD). The PCD is a
        multi-purpose drone that is capable of  The company, which makes anything from
        performing a variety of missions. Carried  5.56mm ammunition to eight-inch projec-
        by an infantryman in a bag; the portable  tiles for Howitzers, is also showcasing its   the Middle East and East Asia. We invest
        drone comes back after the mission and  range of small, medium and large caliber   significantly in R&D and are constantly
        can be reused.  PAD is a small attack  ammunition. “We are the main supplier   updating our line of products. Right
        drone system with aerial ammunition  of ammunition to the Korean Army,” said   now, we are working on extended range
        that can destroy targets from armored  Lee. “More than 30 countries use our   ammunition and hope to introduce it into
        vehicles.                              ammunition, including many countries in   the market next year.”

        SEOUL ADEX - INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE & DEFENSE EXHIBITION 2021                                    OCTOBER 21, 2021 | 7
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