Page 22 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 22

ASELSAN COMMITTED                                                             facturing plants, transfer of technology,

                                                                                      know-how and experience in order to
        TO SERVING QATAR’S                                                            support local military and industrial infra-
        VALUES AND ASSETS                                                             As part of its efforts to expand its prod-
                                                                                      ucts range and global footprint, Aselsan

                                                                                      products and unique solutions for specific
        As part of its concerted effort to provide  become strategic partners in many areas.  is committed to supplying its high-end
        best-of-its-class defence solutions to its  Aselsan has adopted a “local to busi-  requirements of its clients and partners
        customers in Qatar, Turkish defence major  ness” approach in order to consolidate   in the region. Assigning great importance
        Aselsan is exhibiting its entire range of  its presence in Qatar. Its new regional   to innovative technology, research and
        advanced capabilities at DIDMEX 2022,  Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO)   development and end user success,
        which is taking place in Doha.         Center  “ASELSAN  QSTP-B”  office  in   Aselsan continues serving Qatar’s vision
                                               Doha, Qatar will be dedicated to carry   of revolutionizing the State’s defense and
        The products and technologies that the  out maintenance, repair, overhaul, train-  security sector as per “Qatar National
        company is highlighting at the biennial  ing and technical operations. The office   Vision  2030”,  even  while  protecting
        event include Naval System Solutions,  resonates with the company’s ambition   Qatar’s values and assets.
        Military Communication Systems, Remote  of offering its deep expertise in its com-
        Controlled Weapon Stations, Electro-   prehensive engineering capabilities to its   Aselsan has recorded enviable growth
        Optics, Weapon Sights, Guidance Kits, RF  clients while providing round the clock   through the pandemic, with its turnover
        Jammers, Radars, and Coastal Security  support to meet their requirements onsite   in 2021 increasing by 25 per cent com-
        Solutions.                             with highest priority.                 pared to the previous year. Last year, the
                                                                                      company sold its products to six new
        The company’s wholehearted partici-    Aselsan continues the cooperation with   countries while consolidating its pres-
        pation at the show is testament to the  the Qatari Authorities in order to acquire   ence in the countries where its products
        deep-rooted ties of fraternity and unwav-  and develop the most innovative technol-  were already in use. One of the major
        ering support between Qatar and Turkey.  ogies to secure self-sufficiency in national   reasons for the company’s success is its
        Over decades, the two countries have  protection. In this respect, local invest-  investment in research and development
        consistently strived to strengthen their  ments will keep growing and expanding   activities; in 2021, a total of 632 million
        relationship for mutual benefit and have  through establishment of local manu-  USD was spent on R&D.
                                                                                      In addition to showcasing many of its
                                                                                      products at the ongoing show, Aselsan
                                                                                      is also highlighting the capabilities of its
                                                                                      “New Generation Centennial VTZ Combat
                                                                                      Management System.” The company
                                                                                      offers a turnkey combat suite solution
                                                                                      by orchestrating variety of its radars,
                                                                                      electro-optics, electronic warfare suites
                                                                                      and sonar sensors, weapons/missiles,
                                                                                      communications, navigation and system
                                                                                      integration practices to meet the most
                                                                                      complex operational requirements of the
                                                                                      combatant navies. The system is scalable
                                                                                      as per user and platform needs, reliable
                                                                                      and able to integrate every sensor and

        22                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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