Page 23 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 23

Day 1

                                                                                      like smart weapons and unmanned aerial
                                                                                      vehicles that have become one of our
                                                                                      most sought-after products in the African
                                                                                      and South Asian regions.” GIDS has also
                                                                                      been engaged with several industry
                                                                                      partners in the Gulf region on different
                                                                                      collaboration and joint venture projects.
                                                                                      “We are aiming to target the prevailing
                                                                                      technological collaboration opportunities
                                                                                      in the MENA region as well, particularly in
                                                                                      the UAV domain,” he added.

         PAKISTAN’S GIDS OFFERS FATAH-I                                               Armed Shahpar-II
                                                                                      Undergoing Flight Trials
         TO MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES                                                     GIDS has started flight tests of its new
                                                                                      Shahpar-II unmanned combat air vehi-
                                                                                      cle (UCAV).  Flight trials started during
        Pakistan’s Global Industrial & Defence  Asia have also evinced keen interest in  the latter part of 2021 for an armed ver-
        Solutions  (GIDS)  is  offering  its  home-  the system,” Kamal added. The missile  sion, with two 45kg Burraq laser guided
        made FATAH-I multi launch rocket system  has a range of 140 kilometers and a shelf-  munitions.    It  is  designed  to  take  off
        to countries in the MENA region, “as the  life of 10 years.                   autonomously and land with the use of
        weapon is very pertinent to the region’s                                      a parachute. The Shahpar-II has a max-
        military”, the company’s chief executive  Talking about some of the ongoing pro-  imum ceiling of 20,000ft, an endurance
        officer Asad Kamal has said. “We see a  grammes and projects in the MENA  of up to 14 hours with a line-of-sight data-
        requirement (for MLRS) in countries such  region, Kamal said, “Over the last decade  link  range  of  up  to 300kms,  although
        as Qatar and Saudi Arabia and we are  our aerial systems, ATGMs, UAVs and  there are plans to integrate a satellite
        ready to collaborate with local manufac-  security and riot control items have been  communications (SATCOM) system. The
        turers. The Saudi administration is looking  the top selling products, exported to over  armed Shahpar-II was shown for the first
        into our offer. Besides, several militaries  10 countries. Our recent initiatives have  time in public at Cairo’s Egyptian Defence
        from the Middle East, Africa and Central  created new opportunities to products  Exhibition (EDEX) last December.

        RAYTHEON AMRAAM                                                               long range R77 missiles on its MiG-29M/

                                                                                      M2s and MBDA Meteor BVRAAMs on its
        FOR EGYPT                              estimated cost of US $650 million. The  talks with Kuwait, which according to the
                                                                                      Rafales. Raytheon is also in advanced
                                               Pentagon said the missiles would sup-
                                                                                      company will be the first country in the
                                               port Saudi Arabia’s Eurofighter Typhoon  region to operate AIM-120C/D AMRAAM
                                               fighter jets. Raytheon expects the deal to  and AIM-9X Sidewinder AAMs, as well
                                               be signed soon.                        as the AMRAAM-ER (extended range) to
                                                                                      defend against a full spectrum of threats.
                                               If approved by Congress, it would be the  AMRAAM continues to serve as the air-
                                               first major foreign military sale to Riyadh  to-air missile of choice for 40 international
                                               since US President Joe Biden took office.  countries including Qatar and the United
                                               Egypt has also been eyeing later block  States, said Paul Ferraro, vice president
                                               AMRAAMs to equip their fleet of F-16s.  of  Air  Power  at  Raytheon  Missiles  &
                                               Industry sources say that Washington has  Defense. In 2018, the U.S.  government
        Saudi Arabia and perhaps Egypt may  given approval in principle for the sale of  had approved the sale of 40 AIM 120C-7
        get AMRAAM C-7/8 missiles. The Biden  the AIM-120 to Cairo. Raytheon Missiles  AMRAAM missiles, one spare AIM 120C-7
        administration’s decision to sell 280 AIM-  &  Defence,  the  makers,  are  currently  AMRAAM guidance section and other
        120C-7/8 AMRAAM Advanced Medium  holding discussions with the Egyptian  related elements of logistical and program
        Range Air-to-Air Missiles to Saudi  government.                               support to Qatar at an estimated cost of
        Arabia has kindled hopes among other                                          US$215 million. The government of Qatar
        MENA air forces that the weapon could  Egypt’s F-16 fleet has been denied US air-  had requested to buy defence articles
        also be supplied to them. The US State  to-air missiles with a range greater than 85  and services from the U.S. Government in
        Department approved a sale of up to  km, restricting their missile arsenal to the  support of a direct commercial sale of the
        280 AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM missiles  AIM-7 Sparrow and shorter ranged AIM-9  National Advanced Surface to Air Missile
        to Saudi Arabia in November 2021, at an  Sidewinders, though the air force has  System (NASAMS).

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