Page 24 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 24

session  by  sharing  his  thoughts  on
                                                                                      countering asymmetry with multilateral
                                                                                      symmetry. David Des Roches, Associate
                                                                                      Professor at the Near East South Asia
                                                                                      Center for Strategic Studies, will then
                                                                                      hold forth on ‘Modern Asymmetric
                                                                                      Warfare at Sea and in the Gulf’ while
                                                                                      Rear Admiral Takeshi Yoshioka, Director
                                                                                      General, C4I Department, Maritime Staff
                                                                                      Office, will share  Japan’s Vision and talk
                                                                                      about the efforts of the Japan Maritime
                                                                                      Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) for a free
                                                                                      and open Indo-Pacific. Dr. Steven Wright,
                                                                                      Associate Dean and Associate Professor
                                                                                      – HBKU, will then speak about ‘The
                                                                                      Interrelationship of Resilience in the Gulf
        ASYMMETRIC THREATS IN                                                         and a Maritime Security Complex.”

        FOCUS AT MIDDLE EAST                                                          “AS THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY
                                                                                      FOR SECURITY IN THE GULF,
        NAVAL COMMANDERS                                                              IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE

        CONFERENCE                                                                    VARIOUS CHALLENGES TO
                                                                                      ACTORS IN THE MARITIME
        A panel comprising world-renowned  (pilot) Fahad Al-Sulaifi of the Qatar Armed  DOMAIN ARE WELL
        experts from different regions will  Forces Strategic Studies Center will dis- UNDERSTOOD AND WHERE
        discuss the biggest challenge to the  cuss the role of artificial intelligence in   POSSIBLE MITIGATED,” Dr.
        maritime domain – asymmetric threats-  combating the threat.                  Andreas Krieg, MENC Conference
        at the Middle East Naval Commanders                                           Director.
        Conference (MENC), which will take  Providing an Indian perspective at the    “MENC 2022 WILL ADDRESS
        place tomorrow as part of the ongoing  conference  would  be  Vice  Admiral
        DIMDEX 2022.                           Ajendra Singh, Flag Officer Commanding- THESE CHALLENGES IN
                                               in-Chief, Western Naval Command, Indian  AN EFFORT TO ACHIEVE
        The day-long conference, which will have  Navy. Dr. Rory David Miller, Professor of   A HIGHER DEGREE OF
        two sessions, assumes critical importance  Government at Georgetown University in   RESILIENCE OF CRITICAL
        as it is being organised in the backdrop of  Qatar, will end the first session by sharing
        myriad modern-day naval security chal-  his thoughts on ‘Overcoming Smallness:  MARITIME INFRASTRUCTURE
        lenges and the region’s complex maritime  Gulf State Approaches to the Maritime  AND WATERWAYS AROUND
        environment. The conference theme  Domain.’                                   THE ARABIAN GULF AND
        – ‘Resilience in the Maritime Domain –
        Confronting Asymmetric Threats,’ will  Admiral  Jacques  Fayard,  Joint       CONNECTED WATERWAYS.”
        see icons in the field delve into one of the  Commander of the French forces in the
        most pressing challenges for naval forces  Indian Ocean, will kick off the second   Staff  Brigadier  (Sea)  Abdulbaqi  Saleh
        around the world in an attempt to find                                        Al-Ansari, Chairman of DIMDEX, is
        global and locally applicable solutions.                                      confident that the knowledge gleaned
                                                                                      from high-level panel discussions at the
        After the opening address by Dr. Andreas                                      conference would provide answers to
        Krieg, MENC Conference Director, Staff                                        key naval security challenges and help
        Major General (sea) Abdulla Bin Hassan                                        further strengthen Qatar’s defence infra-
        Al- Sulaiti, Commander Qatar Emiri Naval                                      structure. “The value that MENC adds to
        Forces, will welcome conference partici-                                      DIMDEX is incalculable. The conference
        pants as well as other attendees, before                                      will provide attendees a golden opportu-
        introducing the topic and laying the                                          nity to listen to some of the best minds
        framework for the discussions to follow.                                      from across the world in the field of mari-
        Charles Cooper, Commander, U.S. Naval                                         time defence and security as they discuss
        Forces Central Command, U.S. 5th Fleet,                                       issues that are relevant to not just the
        will talk about ‘Combined Maritime Forces                                     regional security complex of the Arabian
        Flexibility in the maritime domain – Facing                                   Gulf but also the entire global maritime
        asymmetric threats’ while Staff Brigadier                                     domain.”
        24                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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