Page 27 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 27
Day 1
CAE’s Defence & Security business unit
is eyeing a greater share of the Middle
East military training and mission sup-
port solutions market. The Middle East
remains a region of high priority for CAE,
which is a globally recognized training
and mission systems integrator, offering
POLE STAR SHOWCASES training solutions across multi-domain
operations – air, land, maritime, space
GOVERNMENT MARITIME and cyber. CAE has developed a NH90
INTELLIGENCE OFFERING helicopter training solution for the Qatar
Emiri Air Force, and will be providing
Pole Star Space Applications Limited
(Pole Star) is participating at the ongo- our new state-of-the-art CAE Medallion
ing show USA Partnership Pavilion and is MR e-Series visual solution for Qatar’s
showcasing its new defence line of busi- Eurofighter Typhoon simulators, under
ness focused on government maritime subcontract to BAE Systems.
intelligence. The U.S. based firm recently At the ongoing show, CAE is showcas-
moved its headquarters to St. Petersburg, ing its Trax Academy, including the CAE
Florida’s newly launched Maritime and Sprint VR Trainer, which is designed to
Defence Technology Hub. I’m immensely support streamlined pilot training and
proud to say that we’ve transformed from create a more open, self-paced and both as individuals and as team members
a vessel tracking company into a truly dis- adaptive student-centered training envi- for navigating and operating their ships
ruptive mission-critical technology and ronment. The CAE Sprint Virtual Reality at sea.
intelligence provider, said Pole Star’s (VR) trainer includes physical controls CAE is also on contract to develop
CEO, Julian Longson. and a VR headset that enables visual a Joint Multinational Simulation Centre
immersion with high-resolution out-the- (JMSC) for one of the GCC countries,
window visuals generated by the CAE which will enable commanders and oper-
Pole Star Defence President, Ben
Minichino, said the company’s clients, Medallion image generator, which delivers ators from the Army, Air Force, Navy and
including law enforcement and defence 20/20 visual acuity to read the instru- Staff Colleges to use constructive sim-
agencies, maritime authorities, and many ment panel. Realism is further enhanced ulation capabilities to conduct military
others. These customers demand the by using flight controls – joystick, throt- training from the tactical to strategic
highest level of corporate governance, tle, and rudder pedals – combined with level of operations. The company is also
security, customer support, financial physical cues boosted by haptics and delivering the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
robustness, service infrastructure avail- seat vibration. Naval Training Centre (NTC) for the UAE
ability, and technical vision, which Pole The advanced training solution is Navy, which will be one of the world’s
Star Defence delivers, he said, adding being offered to customers as a turn- most advanced naval training facilities.
that the company’s best-in-class solu- key, comprehensive end-to-end training The training centre will be equipped with a
tions met even the most rigorous and continuum. The CAE Trax Academy range of integrated ship simulation-based
ever-changing maritime defence require- also includes a cloud-based Learning training suites, as well as maritime aircraft
ments. Management System (LMS) that enables sensor stations enabling individual, team,
training organizations and its students to whole-ship and collective/joint mission
access training content such as sched- training.
Pole Star Defence has already mod-
ernized and deploy the US Coast ules, courseware, and remote instruction For the UAE Air Force, CAE is deliver-
Guard operations into the secure AWS more easily on demand. In addition, by ing comprehensive training on the RQ-1E
GovCloud. The placement of the Pole implementing an LMS that is optimized remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and pro-
Star Defence headquarters, as well as through artificial intelligence (AI) and viding helicopter simulators for the UAE
its continuously operational US National machine learning, an organization can Joint Aviation Command. In Oman, we
Data Center, in St. Petersburg’s new create a pilot training process that is are supporting the creation and estab-
Innovation District places the company continually adapting and improving. lishment of the Oman Aviation Academy
in a unique environment, neighboured by CAE is also providing briefings on how it to train and supply pilots for both the civil
other members of the military, national develops and delivers integrated bridge and military sectors in Oman and the sur-
security, and defence industries, including training solutions that prepare trainees rounding region.
the US Coast Guard station.
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