Page 30 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 30





           PRODUCT RANGE

        Missile systems developer MBDA is show-                                       the show includes the SIMBAD RC
        casing a wide range of its new products                                       system, based on the latest generation
        and capabilities at the ongoing DIMDEX                                        of the MISTRAL missile. SIMBAD-RC is
        2022, including Marte ER and Exocet                                           a short-range, anti-air and anti-surface
        MM40 B3, missiles that will be part of                                        self-defence system, particularly efficient
        the soon-to-be-operational Qatari MCDS                                        against small tactical UAVs. Deploying up
        (Multilayer Coastal Defence System).                                          to four fire-and-forget MISTRAL missiles,
                                                                                      it is designed to provide an autonomous
        Marte ER, which recently had its final val-                                   self-defence capability on all kind of
        idation, is a state-of-the art anti surface  Aster B1 NT, which is under development   warships, or to complement the main air
        weapon that had its latest successful  and expected to enter service in 2026/27,   defences of first rank warships.
        firing at the end of 2021. Exocet MM40  is an advanced air defence and antibal-
        B3 is the latest version of the Exocet  listic missile with specific enhancements   The  MMP,  another  product that  the
        family and provides advanced perfor-   to cope with new threats. It will equip a   company is keen on promoting in the
        mances, thanks to a new seeker and a  new generation of naval and land sys-   Middle East and other regions,  is a 5th
        longer range. Marte ER, which can also  tems, including the SAMP/T NG, whose   generation multipurpose combat system
        be integrated in NH90 Helicopters, can  new developments were contracted to   designed not only for dismounted infantry
        be launched from Coastal Batteries, naval  Eurosam (the Franco-Italian consortium   and combat vehicles, but also on board
        and rotary wings platforms.            belonging to MBDA France, MBDA Italia   naval platforms for navy commandos and
                                               and Thales) by the French and Italian   special forces. MMP is in service and has
        The company, which is DIMDEX 2022  Armed Forces last year.                    been operationally tested and proven in
        Gold Sponsor, is keen on underlining                                          extremes climatic conditions, including
        its presence in Qatar and the key role it  The Aster B1 NT can be paired with   desert and subarctic.
        plays in enhancing the country’s military  other MBDA missiles pairs such as the
        capabilities. Along with its products that  CAMM family of missiles, which includes   During the show, MBDA is also displaying
        ensure maritime superiority, MBDA is also  the new CAMM ER that is under devel-  one of its top products: METEOR, the next
        promoting those that supports the Armed  opment for naval and ground-based air   generation of Beyond Visual Range Air-to-
        Forces in all their domains - land, air and  defence, or the VL MICA family, with its   Air Missile (BVRAAM) system designed to
        sea. At the event, MBDA is also showcas-  latest member the VL MICA NG. Thanks   revolutionise air-to-air combat in the 21st
        ing the Aster B1 NT, the new generation  to the weapons system integration expe-  century. The weapon brings together six
        missile for land and naval air defence that  rience of MBDA, either can be combined   nations with a common need to defeat
        will equip the new SAMP/T NG, as well  with Aster to create a single optimal air   the threats of today as well as the future
        as MMP, which recently had its 1000th  defence system.                        emerging ones. Meteor has recently been
        delivery to the French Armed Forces. The   The company’s naval showcase at    delivered to Qatar.

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