Page 29 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 29
Day 1
Qatar to produce various types of ammu-
nition. Among the other agreements
signed by RBAT was with the Qatari Emiri
Naval Forces to provide critical infrastruc-
ture protection to safeguard military and
economic sites in Qatar, including fully
integrated security and surveillance sys-
tems for a new naval base.
BARZAN At the same event, Barzan Holdings inked
two agreements with Qatar Science and
HOLDINGS Technology Park (QSTP), to develop
research related to defence and secu-
rity, and for the company to rent space
GENERATING at QSTP for its JV companies and itself.
Another major development was the
company and Italian firm Beretta Holding
PLENTY OF BUZZ signing a contract for Beretta to supply
rifles to different military sector in Qatar.
The two companies also formed a “Bindig,
a JV that will manufacture pistols and
rifles under the Bindig name in Qatar at
Barzan Holdings, which forms the back- plan to develop the domestic defence the Barzan Industrial Zone.
bone of Qatar’s efforts to develop its industry. Apart from setting up joint ven-
domestic defence and security indus- tures with international companies to
try, is set to generate a lot of attention facilitate technology transfer, the com- Barzan Holdings is also playing a major
at DIMDEX 2022, the seventh edition of pany has also formed subsidiaries within role in facilitating the growth of defence
the biennial event. and outside Qatar. Among the subsidiaries ties between Qatar and Turkey. As part
are the US-based Barzan Aeronautical, of an agreement signed between Turkish
Expectations are huge, given that which is based in Charleston County, armoured vehicle manufacturer Nurol
the state-owned company is not only South Carolina, and Barzan Maintenance Makina and the Qatari company at
responsible for empowering the military Shield, which is based in Qatar. While DIMDEX 2018, the Turkish firm will deliver
capabilities of the Qatar Armed Forces the former works with U.S. and NATO “Joint Special Force Vehicles” for Qatar
but also acts as the commercial gateway governments as well as major defense Armed Forces. Barzan also signed a tech-
of the Qatari indigenous defence indus- and aviation companies to support the nology transfer deal involving Aselsan, for
try. The company, which was officially deployment of aerial ISR systems for the production of the Turkish firm’s select
launched at DIMDEX 2018, started with defense, security and environmental use, products in Qatar.
a bang, signing a number of agreements the latter focuses on MRO services for all
with international companies for joint services within the country’s security and One of the two Memoranda of
venture projects. Industry experts expect defence sector. Understanding signed by Barzan Holdings
the company, which is DIMDEX 2022 and French firm Nexter involves setting
Strategic Partner and Gold Sponsor, to During the previous edition, Rheinmetall up of a JV that will deliver and maintain
continue to build on the progress it has Barzan Advanced Technologies (RBAT), vehicles for Qatar’s Al Rayyan program.
made in the last four years. Barzan Holdings’ JV with German defence The other is related to the partnership
firm Rheinmetall AG, signed multiple between the two companies for the
Since its launch, Barzan Holdings has agreements, including for the construc- procurement of VBCI 2 8x8 armoured
embarked on an ambitious multi-pronged tion of an ammunition production plant in vehicles for the Qatari armed forces.
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