Page 28 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 28

VIPER                                    SEARANGER

      SHIELD                                   GUNS FOR NAVIES

      FOR                                      IN MENA REGION


      L3Harris Technologies is offering ‘Viper
      Shield’, its new advanced electronic war-
      fare system to protect the international
      F-16  multirole  fighter  aircraft  against
      emerging radar and electronic threats.
      “The L3Harris Viper Shield EW system
      enables the F-16 to continue to be one of
      the most effective combat aircraft in the
      world,” said Ed Zoiss, President, Space
      and Airborne Systems, L3Harris.

      The  Viper  Shield  all-digital  electronic
      warfare (EW) suite is custom designed
      to be baseline on advanced F-16 Block    Rheinmetall is looking for more custom-  to US$20.2 million.  According to officials,
      70/72 aircraft and maximize their surviv-  ers in the MENA region for its Oerlikon  90 per cent of the production work is
      ability and mission success. “More than a   Searanger 20 remote controlled gun sta-  being performed in Biddeford, Maine in
      dozen countries in the Middle East, Asia   tion. The high precision, stabilized 20 mm  the U.S. and 10 per cent locally in Egypt.
      and Europe plan to fly the F-16 Block    gun station is designed for patrol, police  The work is expected to be completed
      70/72 variant. Seamless integration with   and border control duties. According to  by March 2024.
      the F-16’s weapon systems, including the   a company official the gun is an optimal
      aircraft’s radar, enables Viper Shield to   main armament for small boats for coast  According to Rheinmetall, the Oerlikon
      have broad application to these fighter   guard, police, anti-pirate and anti-smug-  Searanger 20 is the optimal main arma-
      aircraft,” he said.                      gling missions and can also be installed  ment for small boats for coast guard,
                                               on larger vessels as side gun and play an  police, anti-pirate and anti-smuggling mis-
      Last March, L3Harris Technologies was    important role in close-range defence. In  sions and can also be installed on larger
      awarded a contract from Lockheed Martin   the MENA region, Egypt expects to take  vessels as side gun and play an important
      for the development of the new advanced   delivery  of  an undisclosed  number  of  role in close-range defence. Apart from
      electronic warfare system. “Our 30-year   Searanger 20 mm naval guns from end  its use on light patrol and combat boats,
      legacy on the F-16, coupled with the     2024.                                  this medium caliber, fast-firing gun is an
      advanced technologies being developed                                           ideal complement to current automated
      for Viper Shield, provide our warfighters                                       weapon systems on larger vessels and
      and international partners with unprec-  The U.S. Ministry of Defence, in September  plays an important role in close-range
      edented self-protection that helps to    last year, had awarded a US$20 million  defence. It is remote-controlled from a
      ensure mission success,” Ed Zoiss added.  contract to the US-based Rheinmetall  gunner station, and the modular sensor
                                               Systems to supply the Oerlikon Searanger  unit is equipped with state-of-the-art
                                               gun systems, including production, spares  electro-optical sensors and a video
                                               and training, to Egypt.  The contract com-  tracking unit. Due to the integrated stabi-
                                               bines purchases for the Navy and the  lization and ballistics computation, target
                                               government of Egypt under the Foreign  engagement is simple and effective. The
                                               Military Sales program. The contract  gun fires to a maximum range of 2,000
                                               includes options that, if exercised, would  meters (6,562 feet) at 1,000 rounds/
                                               bring the cumulative value of this contract  minute.

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