Page 12 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 3 - Online Magazine
P. 12



        Chinese  shipyard Hudong-Zhonghua      some of Qatar’s existing LNG fleet, an   in Pudong, Puxi, Changxing Island and
        Shipbuilding Group Co., a subsidiary of   official of the state-owned oil company   Chongming Island of Shanghai. Besides,
        China State Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd.   said.                             the company has also interest-controlled
        (CSSC), will build four liquified natural gas   These four carriers are the first batch   many businesses, boasting a complete
        (LNG) carriers for Qatar Petroleum.    of orders in Qatar Petroleum’s massive   set of marine equipment fabrication
                                               LNG shipbuilding program, which will   industrial chains.
        The deal, worth Riyals 11 billion (US$3.02   cater for future LNG fleet requirements   Hudong-Zhonghua possesses shipbuild-
        billion), with Hudong will see a signifi-  for the North Field expansion projects as   ing and marine equipment manufacturing
        cant portion of the company’s LNG ship   well as for existing vessel replacement   bases  covering  an  area  of  4.8  million
        construction capacity reserved for QP   requirements. This order is also the first   m2, 7,300m wharf lines, 19 quays, five
        through 2027.                          ever placed by Qatar Petroleum or any of   300,000DWT VLCC class dry docks,
        Qatar Petroleum’s LNG carrier fleet pro-  its affiliates with a Chinese shipyard for   eight gantry cranes of 600ton capacity
        gram is the largest of its kind in the history   LNG ships, and the first with Hudong in   or above, various automatic production
        of the LNG industry and will play a pivotal   connection with the agreement to reserve   equipment and state-of-the-art flat sec-
        role in meeting the shipping requirements   ship construction capacity that was exe-  tion and curved section production lines,
        of Qatar Petroleum’s local and interna-  cuted in April 2020.                 managing a combined asset worth more
        tional LNG projects, as well as replacing   Hudong’s production is mainly carried out   than 38 billion RMB.

        KEEN INTEREST IN                                                              with the vehicle, therefore all ground
                                                                                      segment devices are optimized for inte-
                                                                                      gration and operation on ground vehicle.
        WARMATE 2                                                                     The ground segment comprises a ground
                                                                                      control station (GCS) that is a ruggedized,
                                                                                      touch screen computer that allows the
        Polish technological firm WB Group is  The AV is catapult launched and rugge-  user to control the AV and view visual
        offering its new Warmate 2, an upgraded  dized, vehicle mounted ground station   data, and a data transceiver, which is a
        version of  the unmanned strike system,  controls the operation of the air vehicle.   digital and bidirectional, ground data ter-
        to countries in the Middle East and North  Each Warmate 2 AV is stored and trans-  minal (GDT), secured datalink that allows
        Africa region.                         ported in dedicated hard case, which   for the transmission of flight controls from
        The much bigger and mightier Warmate 2  allows to charge onboard batteries with-  the GCS to the AV.
        adds more impact power and flight endur-  out pulling AV out.                 “Users can easily set and modify flight
        ance to the precision and swiftness of it  Warmate 2 is designed to be integrated   plans using the user-friendly software
        earlier version.                                                              installed on the GCS. Realtime data from
        The combat Air Vehicle (AV) provides a                                        the AV is displayed on the same screen
        highly accurate strike capability with an                                     as a map detailing the location, speed,
        anti-personal, anti-tank or thermobaric                                       and altitude of the AV,” the official said.
        warhead. The addition of a daylight and                                       One ground vehicle contains 2 GCS
        thermal camera (uncooled IR), integrated                                      devices. First one is for the operator
        in the fuselage allows for automated tar-                                     to control the AV, second is for com-
        geting and the assessment of a target                                         mander to supervise ongoing operation.
        before finalizing a strike, a company offi-                                   The Air Vehicle takes off from the vehicle
        cial said.                                                                    mounted, elastomer launcher.
        12                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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