Page 14 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 3 - Online Magazine
P. 14

armament equip the turret, such as a 7.62
                                                                                      mm machine gun, along with a 12.7 mm
                                                                                      machine gun.

                                                                                      The latest version of the HITFACT family
                                                                                      allows operations in many challenging
                                                                                      environments, thanks to the potential
                                                                                      integration of a command and control,
                                                                                      navigation system, communications and
                                                                                      a counter-IED system. Additionally, it is
                                                                                      capable to integrate third parties’ equip-
                                                                                      ment accordin to customer’s requiremnts.
                                                                                      The technical solutions for the turret’s
                                                                                      structure and the anti-mines seats
                                                                                      ensure crew’s safety against mines and
                                                                                      IED events. The turret is controlled by a
                                                                                      digital Fire Control System that includes
                                                                                      stabilized gunner and commander electro
                                                                                      optical sights, with day and night sights
                                                                                      capabilities, with the latest generation
                                                                                      Infrared thermal cameras and Laser
                                                                                      Range Finder.

                                                                                      HITFACT MkII equips also the Centauro
                                                                                      II armoured vehicle, already in service
                                                                                      with the Italian Army. Produced by Iveco
                                                                                      – Oto Melara Consortium (CIO), a joint
                                                                                      venture between Iveco Defence Vehicles
                                                                                      and Leonardo, it carries on a longstanding
        LEONARDO EYES                                                                 tradition where product evolution goes
                                                                                      hand-in-hand with customer require-
        REGIONAL REQUIREMENTS                                                         ments. This armoured vehicle is the unique
                                                                                      system capable to integrate 120mm gun,
        FOR LAND SYSTEMS                                                              which ensures the same firepower of the
                                                                                      modern Main Battle Tank and benefits
                                                                                      from the development of new ammunition.
        Today’s increasingly unpredictable and  evolution of the HITFACT turret, of which
        asymmetrical operational scenarios call  more than 500 units are already in ser-
        for  the  employment  of  highly  flexible  vice with various armies around the world.   Leonardo’s turret HITFACT MkII with a
        and state-of-the-art defence systems.  The latest model differs from the previous   fully-digital electro-optic sensor suite
        Systems that combine the capability to  one - in service since the eighties with   completes the advanced equipment of
        counter effectively a wide range of threats  the Centauro vehicles in the Italian and   the Centauro II and allows higher connec-
        with immediate operational readiness and  Spanish Army, Royal Jordanian Army and   tivity in any scenario, including defence
        concrete situational awareness. With the  the Omani Royal Guard - for its fully dig-  and security missions, operations that
        ambition to further enhance its defence  ital optronics sensor suite, an upgraded   follow natural disasters or in any scenario
        cooperation with Qatar, Leonardo is offer-  survivability and maximum level of safety   requiring armed forces intervention.
        ing integrated technologies that continue  and performance.
        their partnership of more than 25 years,                                      Leonardo’s systems on-board of the
        towards furthering national and regional  The turret’s hull is made of high perfor-  Centauro II include also communications
        security.                              mance ballistic alloy, while the low recoil  and the SICCONA command, control and
                                               force of the gun allows its installation on  navigation system, to provide full control
        Land systems such as Leonardo’s  board of wheeled and light tanks, ensuring  of the operational scenario, timely and
        HITFACT MkII, in service large calibre  high strategic and mobility performance.  accurate information to the crew and high
        turret which is already qualified and cur-  A flexible design allows the integration  interoperability.  On board the vehicle, also
        rently in-production, is one of these key  of different systems depending on users’  Leonardo’s remotely operated HITROLE
        technologies. It is a state-of-the-art solu-  requirements, such as the 105/52 mm  Light turret, capable of increasing flexibil-
        tion in terms of firepower, connectivity  rifled and 120/45 mm smoothbore low  ity meanwhile performing multi-role tasks,
        and survivability. It represents the latest  recoil force guns. A coaxial secondary  ensuring maximum crew protection.

        14                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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