Page 2 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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© Northrop Grumman



        On 13 February, Northrop Grumman       well as artificial intelligence and machine  the US Navy achieves its naval operational
        announced that, using its gateway tech-  learning capabilities, so that it could send  architecture to enable distributed maritime
        nology aboard an airborne MQ-4C Triton  situational awareness data to previously  operations.’
        UAV, it had successfully connected with  disconnected platforms.
        simulated US Navy vessels, an F-35 fighter
        and E-2D Advanced Hawkeye.             This expanded data sharing can only    Jane Bishop, Vice President and General
                                                                                      Manager, Global Surveillance at Northrop
                                               improve the ability of a military to ‘stay
        The first-of-its-kind demonstration was con-  ahead of the adversary and make decisions   Grumman, added: ‘Triton’s altitude, per-
        ducted with Naval Air Systems Command,   faster across a vast and diverse environ-  sistence and robust communication links
        Office of Naval Research, Naval Information                                   make it an ideal candidate to host the
        Warfare Center Pacific and BAE Systems.  ment,’ explained Northrop Grumman.   gateway system. This demonstration high-
                                                                                      lighted gateway technology enhancements
        The airborne gateway was installed on   Ben Davies, Vice President and General   to Triton that would enable information
        Northrop Grumman’s own MQ-4C Triton    Manager, Network Information Solutions   dominance across distributed maritime
        flying test-bed. It enabled the sharing of   at Northrop Grumman, stated: ‘Our gate-  assets; including access to the F-35’s
        fifth-generation  sensor  data  to  ground-  ways provide an open, secure and resilient   robust sensor suite and the E-2D’s battle
        based simulators representing the                                             management capabilities.’
        aforementioned aircraft and US Navy    solution needed to enable information
        Aegis-equipped destroyers and carrier   advantage for our customers. This power-
        strike groups.                         ful combination expands the mission sets  Northrop Grumman, which employs 95,000
                                               of maritime platforms to deliver a seam-  staff worldwide, is currently under contract
        The gateway integrated the Triton’s radar, as  lessly connected fleet – a critical step as  to deliver MQ-4C Tritons to the RAAF.

                                          Editorial Director        Arun Sivasankaran         Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY             Atul Chandra
                                          Editorial Team:                                      Sales Director
                                          Jay Menon                 Gordon Arthur              Akshay Satyamurthy

        2  | MARCH-01-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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