Page 6 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 6

create approximately 20 immediate jobs
                                                                       © Gordon Arthur
                                                                                      as part of a growth path to more than 500
                                                                                      long-term F-35 sustainment jobs in future

                                                                                      With four new aircraft delivered last
                                                                                      September, the RAAF has so far received
                                                                                      54 of its 72 F-35As on order.

                                                                                      Most Australian F-35As are based at
                                                                                      Williamtown with No. 3 and No. 77
                                                                                      Squadrons plus No. 2 Operational
                                                                                      Conversion  Unit.  In  December  2021,
                                                                                      Canberra announced that F-35As had per-
                                                                                      manently deployed to the Northern Territory
                                                                                      for the first time. The first four fighters of
        BAE SYSTEMS TO SUSTAIN                                                        No. 75  Squadron  moved  to  RAAF  Base
                                                                                      Tindal at that time, and the squadron was
        F35S IN AUSTRALIA                                                             supposed to have a full complement of 16
                                                                                      F-35As there by the end of 2022.

        Earlier this year, BAE Systems received a   fighters stationed in the Indo-Pacific   Lockheed Martin uses data analytics to
        sustainment contract from Lockheed Martin   region, these belonging to Australia, Japan,   optimise F-35 fleet readiness, and this helps
        for F-35 fighters. It will entail establishing a   Singapore, South Korea and the USA.  ensure that appropriate spares are held at
        regional warehouse, which contains spare                                      warehouses. Lockheed Martin added that
        parts, at RAAF Base Williamtown in New   Warren McDonald, Lockheed Martin     this new Australian logistics hub will give
        South Wales.                           Australia’s Chief Executive,  stated: ‘The   the ‘F-35 greater operational resilience as
                                               establishment of a regional warehousing   the fleet continues to expand’.
        The contract is worth AUD1.6 million   and distribution network for the Indo-Pacific
        (USD1.1 million), and BAE Systems will sup-  will increase F-35 operational resilience   Over  70  Australian  firms  have  received
        port the RAAF as well as ‘F-35 operations in   for Australia and regional F-35 operators,   more than AUD3 billion in F-35 production
        Australia and the Indo-Pacific’. Incidentally,   including US forces deployed in the Indo-  and sustainment contracts to date, and this
        by 2035 there will be more than 300 F-35   Pacific  ...  The  regional  warehouse  will   is forecast to increase several-fold.

        AUSTRALIA                              networks,  financial  systems,  scientific
                                               enterprises, weather forecasting and disas-
                                               ter response – it will undoubtedly become
        ESTABLISHES                            a domain which takes on greater military
                                               significance in the 21st century.’
        DEFENCE                                Indeed, space is becoming increasingly

        SPACE                                  contested and congested. More than 7,500
                                               satellites are currently in orbit, not helped
                                               by space debris from anti-satellite weapon
        COMMAND                                tests conducted by the likes of China, India
                                               and Russia.
        Australia’s Defence Space Command for-  The Defence Space Command’s role is
        mally commenced operations on 22 March  to support space domain awareness,
        2022, even though it had been stood up  navigation, sovereign-controlled satellite
        earlier that year on 18 January. Its per-  communications and space-based Earth
        sonnel stem from the three services of  observation.                                                         © NASA
        the Australian Defence Force, as well as
        defence civilians and industry contractors.  Australia will collaborate closely with the  ‘conceptual delivery epochs’, with 2021-
                                               USA, something that was apparent in  23 representing a foundation, 2024-30
        Working alongside the Australian Space  Australia’s 40-page Defence Space Strategy  an evolution, and 2031-40 a maturing of
        Agency, the brand new command is head-  also released on 22 March. Dutton said, ‘Our  Australia’s space capabilities.
        quartered in Fairbairn, Canberra, and it  partnership will also contribute to the US
        is led by Air Vice-Marshal Cath Roberts.  National Reconnaissance Office’s pursuit  Australia plans to invest AUD17 billion
        The RAAF is responsible for this ‘modest’  of a more capable, integrated and resilient  (USD12.7 billion) in space capabilities by
        command.                               space architecture to support global cover-  2036, so as to become a sovereign contrib-
                                               age in a wide range of intelligence mission  utor instead of a consumer. In the coming
        Former defence minister Peter Dutton noted:  requirements.’                   decade, Australia will invest some AUD65
        ‘While space is primarily a civil domain –                                    billion in defence’s air domain, compared to
        to support navigation, communication  The Defence Space Strategy outlined three  AUD7 billion for the space domain.

        6  | MARCH-01-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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