Page 5 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 5
Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are now
© Gordon Arthur
prohibited from import and export activities
to China, from investing in China, its senior
executives are not allowed to visit or stay
in China.
The real doozy is this final point: ‘Imposing
fines on the above-mentioned enterprises
respectively, the amount of which is twice
the amount of each enterprise’s arms sales
contract to Taiwan since the implementa-
tion of the “Regulations on the Unreliable
Entity List”. The above-mentioned enter-
prises shall make payment in accordance
with relevant laws and regulations within
15 days from the date of publication of this
Of course, such proclamations from China
hold no weight. American companies are
CHINA BLACKLISTS AMERICAN not beholden to Chinese domestic laws, but
rather to the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act that
states, ‘The United States will make avail-
DEFENCE CORPORATIONS able to Taiwan such defence articles and
defence services in such quantity as may
On 16 February, China’s Ministry of and Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Their be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain
Commerce took the step of blacklisting two crime was defined as being ‘involved in sufficient self-defence capabilities.’
of the USA’s largest defence contractors, arms sales to Taiwan’.
with their names added to the ominously
sounding ‘Unreliable Entity List Working Nor do Lockheed Martin or Raytheon
Mechanism’. China banned them ‘in order to safeguard Missiles and Defense have any dealings
national sovereignty, security and develop- with China in terms of defence equipment
The two companies are Lockheed Martin ment interests’. anyway.
QinetiQ announced the creation of a new Australia.’
Australian Sector, to be effective from 1
May, to its business on 16 February. The The company stated that it has invested
new business unit will be headed by CEO more than AUD100 million (USD68.8
Gary Stewart. million) in Australian people, skills and
capabilities in recent years.
The Australia Sector will be headquartered
in Canberra, and it employs 1,200 staff This includes, for example, the AUD53 mil-
worldwide. lion acquisition of Air Affairs in October
2022. It has also invested in a new
QinetiQ stated in a press release: ‘The Technology and Engineering Centre in
creation of the new Australia Sector, Fishermans Bend, Melbourne, as well as
which replaces what was previously the a sovereign test and evaluation upskilling
International Sector, is a further demon- programme.
stration of QinetiQ’s commitment and
investment in Australia, and is evidence of The Australia Sector thus becomes QinetiQ’s
our ambition to build an integrated global global hub for threat representation, includ-
defence and security company focused ing Air Affairs, Target Systems (in the UK
around our six distinctive offerings and and Canada) and its German air threat rep-
three home countries, of the UK, US and resentation and training business.
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