Page 7 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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© Boeing
US Army’s modernisation programme that
APACHE HEEDS will continue until the late 2040s. The USA
has vowed to keep its Apaches in service
until at least 2060.
Australian examples follow the US Army
ATTACK HELICOPTERS configuration, featuring the Modernized
Target Acquisition and Designation System,
Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) con-
It was no surprise to anyone when the developmental platforms’. figuration, modernised Pilot Night Vision
Australian Army decided to replace its Sensor, Longbow fire control radar and
Airbus Tiger helicopters with Boeing’s The Apoache purchase, announced in modernised radio frequency interferome-
AH-64E Apache Guardian Version 6 under mid-January 2021, constitutes 29 Apaches, ter. They will have Link 16 and Blue Force
Project Land 4503. For a long time, the Tiger of which 24 will serve at a primary loca- Tracker 2.
underperformed in Australian hands and, tion and another five reserved for training.
ironically, the army had always preferred The deal is reportedly worth AUD4.5 billion The US Army has one Longbow radar for
the Apache before the Tiger was imposed (USD3.5 billion), about four times what was every three Apaches, so Australia may
on it by the National Security Committee. paid for the Tigers in 2001. follow a similar ratio. The Longbow radar
and MUM-T are exclusive – each Apache
The Australian Army will join India, The US Army brought one AH-64E to Avalon has one or the other, but not both. Using
Indonesia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Airshow 2023, but the Australian Army will this MUM-T capability, it will be interesting
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, have to wait till 2025 for its first examples to see how the Australian Army integrates
the UAE and USA as operators of this latest to begin arriving. Australia’s request for it with new UAVs in both the army and air
version of the famous Apache. That is not information issued in July 2019 sought force.
counting other users of older variants of an initial operational capability for a first
the Apache. squadron of twelve Apaches by 2026. Australian industry involvement will be
limited to ‘logistic support, warehousing
With commonality between the ADF and the The AH-64E defeated the Bell AH-1Z Viper, services, training development, engineer-
USA of paramount importance, the decision even though the latter performs admirably ing services, and maintenance, repair and
in favour of the Apache was expected. in terms of marinisation credentials. You
see, the Australian Army will occasionally overhaul’. The OEM promised: ‘Boeing
Tony Scott, Boeing Defence Australia’s deploy its new attack helicopters at sea will support and foster the employment
Apache Program Manager, said the global aboard Canberra-class ships. of Australian industry capability across
Apache fleet had surpassed 1,260 aircraft platforms in Australia, and leverage
in 17 countries as at September 2022. The Scott said rigorous assessments were opportunities identified through the global
US Army singlehandedly has achieved 4.9 done to check the AH-64E’s suitability supply chain for regional and international
million flight hours, including 1.3 million in for Australia, including a suitable level of participation.’
combat, and has surpassed an 82% mis- marinisation.
sion-capable rate. Some AUD350 million (USD341.1 million) in
Australian Apaches will come from the infrastructure improvements has been set
No wonder that the Australian government global production line under a US Army aside for the new Apache fleet, and Boeing
lauded the Apache as ‘a proven and low-risk multiyear lot, where both new-build Defence Australia is collaborating with the
system [that] will avoid the ongoing cost and refurbishments occur side by side. army as to how existing Tiger pilots will
and schedule risk typically associated with Australia will also be able to buy into the transition onto the Apache.
AVALON 2023 MARCH-01-2023 | 7