Page 10 - AVALON 2023 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 10

© Airbus H135


        Like other helicopter OEMs, Airbus     manufacturer expects steady and regular  Helicopters, commented: ‘The region pres-
        Helicopters is reporting a rebound in sales   growth from hereon in, as long as no other  ents extensive opportunities for Airbus
        of rotorcraft after the worldwide shock   black swan event occurs.            across the segments where we are ready
        caused  by  COVID-19.  Indeed,  Fabrice                                       to support with a strong product portfo-
        Rochereau, Vice President and Head of   The H125 and H130 are the OEM’s best-  lio and an established maintenance and
        Sales Asia-Pacific at Airbus Helicopters,   sellers, and there are rising requirements   training network across the region. We are
        said at Avalon Airshow 2023 that the year   for passenger transport, utility, mining and   fully committed to growing this presence
        2024 would mark a full return to the normal   aerial works. Steady demand continues in   together with our customers and network
        trajectory of sales.                   the oil and gas, public services and emer-  partners.’
                                               gency medical services segments too.
        In  the  Pacific  region,  which  comprises                                   Indeed, Airbus Helicopters was well placed
        Australasia, Papua New Guinea and the   After a previous slump in oil and gas,   with its extensive network of local cus-
        Pacific Islands, Airbus is anticipating 300   Airbus Helicopters now expects this sector   tomer centres across Asia-Pacific during
        helicopters will be sold over the coming   to create strong growth over the coming
        decade. With 60+% of the region’s helicop-  ten years. The manufacturer believes its   the  COVID-19  pandemic.  With  interna-
        ter fleet more 20 years old or more, there is   H175 and H160 are well placed for offshore   tional travel routinely curtailed, such local
        great demand for the fleet to be renewed.  requirements, and the H145 for onshore  networks helped ensure resilience for the
                                               transport.                             company. It was impossible to send pilots
        Approximately half the 60 helicopter                                          overseas for training, for example, and this
        sales  recorded  in  the  Pacific  last  year   Christian Venzal, Managing Director for  has emphasised the importance of having
        were achieved by Airbus. The helicopter   Australia, New Zealand and Pacific, Airbus  local footprints.



           The Department of Defence revealed it   Contractors received the contract under   hub for Defence into the future. The
           is investing AUD111.2 million (USD75.9   the auspices of the North Queensland   North Queensland Mid-Term Refresh
           million)  to  upgrade  RAAF  Base     Mid-Term Refresh Programme.          Programme ensures the ongoing sus-
           Townsville, Townsville  Field Training   Construction commenced in early 2023,   tainability of critical infrastructure in
           Area and HMAS Cairns.  The work       and should be completed by the middle   support of Australian Defence Force
           package includes new and upgraded     of 2025.                             capability across the Townsville and
           engineering  services,  building  refur-  Dan Fankhauser, First Assistant   Cairns region.’
           bishment and additional transit live-in   Secretary of Infrastructure Division,
           accommodation.                        Security and Estate Group, said:     CPB Contractors is expected to make
                                                 ‘North Queensland is and will remain   extensive use of local businesses to
           The construction company  CPB         an  important maritime, land,  and  air   complete the work.

        10 | MARCH-02-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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