Page 12 - AVALON 2023 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 12

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                                                                   LEASED AW139S

                                                                   TO FILL GAPS IN

                                                                   ARMY RANKS

        Leonardo announced on 1 March that the   Helicopter programme supporting the 5th  Regiment are operating the AW139s from
        Australian Army would lease two additional  Aviation Regiment in Townsville.  Hamel Lines at RAAF Base  Townsville.
        AW139 helicopters, adding to three previ-                                     The helicopters were needed to augment
        ously leased in the same fashion from Toll  The army received its first leased AW139  training, for transport (e.g. supporting exer-
        Helicopters. They come with a searchlight,  on 30 April 2021, and two more in May and  cises), emergency relief and non-combat
        hoist, cargo hook and provision for elec-  October the same year. The Department  general aviation support.
        tro-optic/infrared sensors.            of Defence stated that Helicorp, which is
                                               trading as Toll Helicopters, has ‘met all mile-  Defence said, ‘The helicopters have similar
        The extra pair of AW139s will come from  stones, with training, aircraft serviceability  performance to the MRH90 and will be used
        Leonardo’s final assembly line in Italy, and  and flying hour requirements exceeding  to support aircrew development and cur-
        will be delivered in the second half of 2023.  expectations’.                 rency requirements when combat aircraft
        This will bring to twelve the number of                                       are not available.’
        AW139s that Toll is operating in Australia,  Helicorp is providing the trio of white-
        of which five are dedicated to the Australian  painted  AW139s  for  an  initial  two-year  Indeed, the need for the supplemental
        Army.                                  period. Indeed, the original contract ends  AW139s was made manifest by low-
                                               on 30 June this year, but options for two  er-than-desirable availability rates for the
        One of the AW139s will be used as a  12-month extensions exist.               MRH90 Taipan helicopter fleet. Since that
        crash response helicopter service for the                                     time, the Australian government has dis-
        1st Aviation Regiment in Darwin, while  Under this programme, also known as Plan  closed that the MRH90 will be discarded in
        the other will join the Army Commercial  Corella, army personnel of the 5th Aviation  favour of the UH-60M Black Hawk.

        WASP SUAS




        The Australian Army acquired a total of 66
        Wasp AE small uncrewed aerial systems
        (SUAS) from AeroVironment in 2018-21.
        This acquisition fell under Project Land
        129 Phase 4A, but the army is looking for
        a replacement for the Wasp via a request
        for tender (RfT) issued in January 2022.

        Earlier, in July 2021, the Capability                                                                        © ADF
        Acquisition & Sustainment Group (CASG)
        had released an advance notice for this  intelligence, surveillance and reconnais-  It also needs to be man-portable, capable of
        replacement programme known logically  sance capability, as well as increased force  day/night operations and weigh less than
        as Land 129 Phase 4B. The new SUAS, in  protection.                           15kg. Its range should be 7-10km from the
        quantities of 60-80 depending upon cost,                                      ground control station, with an endurance
        is to be acquired in FY2024/25.        The army would specify neither a fixed-  of 45-60 minutes.
                                               wing  or  VTOL  platform,  but  it  must  be
        CASG said the army is seeking ‘a system  recoverable on land or by an operator in a  This RfT closed on 4 March 2022, but
        with better performance than the Wasp AE’  small boat. The latter requirement means it  no winner has been announced yet by
        to give army combat teams an independent  should float for at least 15 minutes.   Defence.
        12 | MARCH-02-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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