Page 13 - AVALON 2023 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 13




        The  RAAF  is  acquiring  four  modified   signals intelligence kit, which are soldier-  including aircraft, mission systems, GPS
        Gulfstream G550 airborne intelligence,   ing on with with No. 10 Squadron till the  capability, secure communications, aircraft
        surveillance, reconnaissance and elec-  Peregrines arrive.                    defensive systems, spares and support.
        tronic warfare (AISREW) aircraft to support                                   Clearly, that figure was reduced from five
        land, air and naval forces. The public was   Construction of the four airframes was  to four.
        informed of the procurement of these air-  completed  in  early  2020,  and  modifica-
        craft, known as the MC-55A Peregrine, in   tion work on the ‘green’ aircraft has been  It appears the acquisition programme is
        March 2019.                            managed  by  the  US  Air  Force’s  645th  running behind schedule, since the acquisi-
                                               Aeronautical Systems Group.            tion phase was to be 2017-24. However, the
        Project Air 555 has a budget of AUD2.46                                       first aircraft should be delivered this year.
        billion (USD1.75 billion), and they will be   Images  of  a  first  MC-55A  conducting
        located at RAAF Base Edinburgh near    flights were taken at Gulfstream’s facility  New facilities are being built at Edinburgh
        Adelaide, under the auspices of the    in Savannah, Georgia, in March 2022. These  by Lendlease as the main operating base.
        Surveillance and Response Group. These   were then ferried to the L3Harris facility in  However, they will also fly from three for-
        Peregrine AISREW aircraft will critically   Greenville, Texas, as L3Harris is responsi-  ward operating bases at Townsville, Darwin
        link platforms such as the F-35A, E-7A   ble for modifying the aircraft.      and the Coco (Keeling) Islands in the Indian
        Wedgetail, EA-18G Growler, naval warships                                     Ocean.
        and ground assets.                     The images showed a ‘canoe’ fairing on the
                                               forward belly, as well as a bulbous tail cone  A runway on the Cocos is being strength-
        Details of the mission systems aboard   fairing. There are also multiple antennas on  ened and widened by Fulton Hogan,
        these G550s are a bit murky, but they will   the top and underside of the fuselage, as  with taxiways and aprons, to support
        allow  the  aircraft  to  intercept,  identify,   well as the wings. An electro-optic/infrared  P-8A Poseidon operations too. Work on
        locate and jam a wide range of communica-  turret may yet be added to the tail.  Peregrine modular support infrastructure
        tions and emitters (e.g. air defence radars                                   was to occur from July 2021 till December
        and electronic jamming equipment). They   The  US  Defense  Security  Cooperation  2023 too. The Coco islands are Australian
        will be more capable than the two AP-3C   Agency announced in 2017 a potential  territory 2,750km northwest of Perth, a stra-
        Orions equipped with communications and   sale to Australia of up to five G550 aircraft,  tegic location halfway to Sri Lanka.

        AVALON 2023                                                                                       MARCH-02-2023 | 13
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